Creating a Response File for RepConnector Manager Silent Installation

Edit the InstallOptions.txt for RepConnector Manager silent mode installation.

  1. Navigate to the installation directory and use a text editor to open the InstallOptions.txt file.
  2. Locate the InstallTypeBean.InstallType variable and set it to 3.
    For example:
    -W InstallTypeBean.InstallType="3"
  3. Locate the User Interface section and set the type of UI installation:
    • UITypeBean.UIType – valid values are:
      • 1 – installs RepConnector Manager to an existing Eclipse 3.7.1.
      • 2 – installs Eclipse 3.7.1 and RepConnector Manager.

    For example:

    -W UITypeBean.UIType="1"
  4. Locate InstallLocation and set the directory where Replication Manager will be installed. If you are installing RepConnector Manager to an existing Eclipse installation, enter the Eclipse directory.
    For example:
    • Installing RepConnector Manager and Eclipse on Windows:
      -P installLocation="D:\software\"
    • Installing RepConnector Manager to an existing Eclipse on UNIX:
      -P installLocation="/work/software/eclipse”
Note: Sybase recommends that you do not delete or enter comments on any unused parameters. By default, all unused parameters are ignored. For example, SySAM information parameters are not used for RepConnector Manager installation; do not modify these values.