Completing RepConnector Installation on WebLogic Server on Windows

Modify and run the start-up script to complete RepConnector installation on WebLogic application server on Windows.

  1. Stop the WebLogic application server.
  2. Modify the startWebLogic.cmd start-up script to check for repra_env.bat and call it if it exists. Make this change after the setDomainEnv.cmd call.
    Modify this portion of the start-up script:
    @REM Call setDomainEnv here.
    for %%i in ("%DOMAIN_HOME%") do set DOMAIN_HOME=%%~fsi
    call "%DOMAIN_HOME%\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd" %*
    if exist %WL_HOME%\repra\bin\repra_env.bat CALL %WL_HOME%\repra\bin\repra_env.bat
  3. Start the application server.
  4. Run the WLSStart.bat file, which is located in the RepConnector home directory.