Sample Custom Internal Adapter Implementation

Event Stream Processor ships with sample syntax you can use to build your custom internal adapter implementation. This implementation incorporates extern C methods that enable schema discovery in a custom adapter.

See the sample custom internal adapter for UNIX:
% cd $ESP_HOME/examples/cpp/adapter

% make -f Makefile.unix
g++  -fPIC -m64 -I $ESP_HOME/include/adapter  -c -o adapter_custom_in.o adapter_custom_in.cpp
g++ adapter_custom_in.o  -m64 -shared -L $ESP_HOME/lib -L $ESP_HOME/lib/adapters -lesp_adapter_util_lib -lesp_server_lib -o
g++  -fPIC -m64 -I $ESP_HOME/include/adapter  -c -o adapter_custom_out.o adapter_custom_out.cpp
g++ adapter_custom_out.o -m64 -shared -L $ESP_HOME/lib -L $ESP_HOME/lib/adapters -lesp_adapter_util_lib -lesp_server_lib -o
See the sample custom internal adapter for Windows:
%ESP_HOME%\examples\cpp\adapter>cd %ESP_HOME%\examples\cpp\adapter

%ESP_HOME%\examples\cpp\adapter>nmake -f