
This is the actual response handling and processing of the web service calls that are made by the MobiliserClient class.

1       /**
2        *  @overview
3        * This is the actual response handling and processing of the web service calls
4        * that are made by the MobiliserClient class. Any manipulation of the response,
5        * extraction of needed data and the making of Data Objects (DO) out of the XML
6        * document would be inserted here.
7        *
8        * @name SY_OB_Transactions.js
9        * @author SAP AG
10       * @version 1.0
11       *
12       */
14      /**
15       * @description Callback handler for Bank Details list service call
16       * @param r responseJSON
17       */
18      var getBankDetailsListBack = function(r) {
19          hideProgress();
20          var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
21          if (rCode == '0') {
22              orgunits = parseBankDetails(r);
23              updateOrgUnitList('#bankdroplist', orgunits);
24          } else {
25              _alertBox('Failed to get orgunits. ' + getErrorMessage(r));
26          }
27          appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
28      };
30      /**
31       * @description Parser for results of getBankDetailsList
32       * @param r response data
33       * @returns array of orgunits
34       */
35      function parseBankDetails(r) {
36          orgunits = [];    //Remove old entries from the array.
37          if(r.bankDetails != null) {
38              for(var i = 0;i < r.bankDetails.length;i++) {
39                  var ou = new OrgUnit();
40                  //Parsing logic goes here
41         = r.bankDetails[i].bankId;
42         = r.bankDetails[i].bankName;
43                  ou.currency = r.bankDetails[i].currencyDisplaySymbol;
44                  orgunits.push(ou);
45              }
46          }
47          return orgunits;
48      }
50      /**
51        @function
53        @param  r This is the XML document/JSON object that is returned by the AJAX call made by the MobiliserClient.
54       */
55      var obLoginBack = function(r) {
56          var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
57          if (appstate == trans.TRAN_LOGIN) {
58              if(rCode == '0') {
59                  loginParseXML(r);
60                  session.userMsisdn = $('#username').val();
61                  pl.userMsisdn = $('#username').val();
62                  loginUpdateUI();
64                  appstate = trans.TRAN_ACCOUNTLIST;
65                  mc.getAccountList(getAccountListBack, "SA");
66              } else {
67                  hideProgress();
68                  appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
69                  _alertBox("Login failed! " + getErrorMessage(r));
70              }
71              $('#username').val('');
72              $('#password').val('');
73          }
74      };
76      /**
77       * @description callback handler for getAccountList openbank api call
78       * @param r responseXML
79       */
80      function getAccountListBack(r) {
81          hideProgress();
82          var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
83          if (rCode == '0') {
84              if(appstate == trans.TRAN_ACCOUNTLIST) {
85                  session.accountList = parseAccountList(r);
86                  if(session.accountList.length < 1) {
87                      _alertBox("Failed to fetch any relevant account from the Bank, cheque management cannot be used.");
88                  }
89              } else if (appstate == trans.TRAN_ACCOUNTLISTBYTYPE) {
90                  var accountList = parseAccountList(r);
91                  if(accountList.length < 1) {
92                      _alertBox("Failed to fetch any relevant account from the Bank, cheque management cannot be used.");
93                  } else {
94                      listExistingAccounts(accountList);
95                      $.mobile.changePage("accountlist.html", page_opt);
96                  }
97              }
98          } else {
99              _alertBox('Failed to get account list for customer. ' + getErrorMessage(r));
100         }
101         appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
102     }
104     /**
105      * @description callback handler for getTransactionList openbank api call
106      * @param r responseXML
107      */
108     function getAccountInfoBack(r) {
109         hideProgress();
110         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
111         if (rCode == '0') {
112             //Todo parse and display transactions
113             var account = parseAccountInfo(r);
114             listBankAccount(account);
115         } else {
116             _alertBox('Failed to get account list for customer. ' + getErrorMessage(r));
117         }
118         appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
119     }
121     /**
122      * @description callback handler for transferFund openbank api call
123      * @param r responseXML
124      */
125     function fundTransferBack(r) {
126         hideProgress();
127         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
128         if (rCode == '0') {
129             updateTransactionDoneUI(r.fromAccountBalance, r.toAccountBalance, r.transactionId);
130             $.mobile.changePage("transferdone.html", page_opt);
131         } else {
132             _alertBox('Failed to complete the transaction. ' + getErrorMessage(r));
133         }
134         appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
135     }
137     /**
138      * @description callback handler for getTransactionList openbank api call
139      * @param r responseXML
140      */
141     function getTransactionListBack(r) {
142         hideProgress();
143         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
144         if (rCode == '0') {
145             session.txns = parseTransactionList(r);
146             txnsUpdateUI(session.txns);
147         } else {
148             _alertBox('Failed to get account list for customer. ' + getErrorMessage(r));
149         }
150         appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
151     }
153     /**
154      * @description ResponseHandler for getCurrencies web service call
155      * @param r
156      */
157     function getCurrenciesBack(r) {
158         hideProgress();
159         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
160         if (rCode == '0') {
161             currencies = parseCurrencies(r);
162             if(currencies && currencies.length > 0) {
163                 listCurrencies('#fx_fromcurrency', currencies);
164                 listCurrencies('#fx_tocurrency', currencies);
165             } else {
166                 //TODO Show error message and go back??
167             }
168         } else {
169             _alertBox('Failed to get Currencies.\n' + getErrorMessage(r));
170             //TODO: Shall we push user back??
171         }
172         appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
173     }
176     /**
177      * @description callback handler for getting the exchange rate back
178      * @param r response data
179      */
180     function getExchangeRateBack(r) {
181         hideProgress();
182         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
183         if (rCode == '0') {
184             var exchangeRate = parseExchangeRate(r);
185             updateExchangeRateUI(exchangeRate);
186             $.mobile.changePage("fxresult.html", page_opt);
187         } else {
188             _alertBox('Failed to get Exchange rate.\n' + getErrorMessage(r));
189             //TODO: Shall we push user back??
190         }
191         appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
192     }
194     /**
195      * @description callback handler for favouriteList openbank api call
196      * @param r responseXML
197      */
198     function favouriteListBack(r) {
199         hideProgress();
200         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
201         if (rCode == '0') {
202             //code to be done
203             session.favourites = parseFavouriteList(r);
204             if(session.favourites.length < 1) {
205                 _alertBox("No favourite list fetched for this user");
206             } else {
207                 updateFavouiteList(session.favourites);
208                 $.mobile.changePage("favouritelist.html", page_opt);
209             }
210         } else {
211             _alertBox('Failed to fetch favourite list for customer. ' + getErrorMessage(r));
212         }
213         appstate = trans.TRAN_FAVOURITELIST;
214     }
215     /**
216      * @description callback handler for favouriteInfo openbank api call
217      * @param r responseXML
218      */
220     function favouriteInfoBack(r) {
221         hideProgress();
222         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
223         if (rCode == '0') {
224             $("#fav_type").text(r.favourite.favouriteType);
225             $("#fav_alias").text(r.favourite.alias);
226             if (r.favourite.details.toAccount) {
227                 $("#fav_accnt_holder").text(r.favourite.details.accountHolder);
228                 $("#fav_accnt_id").text(r.favourite.details.toAccount.accountIdentification);
229                 $(".biller_details").hide();
230             } else if (r.favourite.details.billerInfo) {
231                 $("#fav_biller_name").text(r.favourite.details.billerInfo.billerName);
232                 $("#fav_biller_code").text(r.favourite.details.billerInfo.billerCode);
233                 $(".account_details").hide();
234             }
235             $("#btn_fav_tranfer_money").unbind('click');
236             $("#btn_fav_tranfer_money").bind('click',function() {
237                 //need to change
238                 var obj= new Object();
239                 obj.alias=r.favourite.alias;
240                 obj.favId = r.favourite.favouriteIdentification;
241                 obj.paymentType = r.favourite.details.paymentType;
242                 if(r.favourite.details.toAccount){
243                     obj.accountIdentification = r.favourite.details.toAccount.accountIdentification;
244                     obj.paymentInstrumentId = r.favourite.details.toAccount.paymentInstrumentId;
245                     obj.to_account_type = r.favourite.details.toAccount.type;
246                 } else if (r.favourite.details.billerInfo) {
247                     obj.billerName = r.favourite.details.billerInfo.billerName;
248                     obj.paymentInstrumentId = r.favourite.details.billerInfo.billerPaymentInstrumentId;
249                     obj.billerCode = r.favourite.details.billerInfo.billerCode;
250                 }
251                 favStartTransferMoney(obj,"false");
252             });
253             $.mobile.changePage("favouriteinfo.html", page_opt);
254         } else {
255             _alertBox('Failed to fetch favourite Information. ' + getErrorMessage(r));
256         }
257         appstate = trans.TRAN_FAVOURITEINFO;
258     }
259     /**
260      * @description callback handler for favouriteTransfer openbank api call
261      * @param r responseXML
262      */
264     function favouriteTransferBack(r) {
265         hideProgress();
266         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
267         if (rCode == '0') {
268             $.mobile.changePage("favouritetransferdone.html", page_opt);
269         } else {
270             _alertBox('Error:\n' + getErrorMessage(r));
271         }
272         appstate = trans.TRAN_FAVOURITETRANSFER;
274     }
276     /**
277      * @description Parser for Bank Account List
278      * @param r responseJSON from the service
279      * @returns {Array} of Account objects
280      */
281     function parseAccountList(r) {
282         var al = [];
283         if(r.accounts) {
284             for(var i = 0;i < r.accounts.length;i++) {
285                 var account = new Account();
286                 account.accountIdentification = r.accounts[i].accountIdentification;
287                 account.institutionCode = r.accounts[i].institutionCode;
288                 account.type = r.accounts[i].type;
289                 account.accountStatus = r.accounts[i].accountStatus;
290                 if(r.accounts[i].linkedAccount)
291                     account.linkedAccount = r.accounts[i].linkedAccount;
292                 account.paymentInstrumentId = r.accounts[i].paymentInstrumentId;
293                 if(r.accounts[i].branchCode)
294                     account.branchCode = r.accounts[i].branchCode;
295                 if(r.accounts[i].countryCode)
296                     account.countryCode = r.accounts[i].countryCode;
297                 account.currencyCode = r.accounts[i].currencyCode;
298                 account.accountHolder = r.accounts[i].accountHolder;
299                 if(r.accounts[i].alias)
300                     account.alias = r.accounts[i].alias;
301                 if(r.accounts[i].balance)
302                     account.balance = r.accounts[i].balance;
303                 if(r.accounts[i].availableFunds)
304                     account.availableFunds = r.accounts[i].availableFunds;
305                 if(r.accounts[i].outstandingAmount)
306                     account.outstandingAmount = r.accounts[i].outstandingAmount;
307                 if(r.accounts[i].minimumAmount)
308                     account.minimumAmount = r.accounts[i].minimumAmount;
309                 if(r.accounts[i].statementAmount)
310                     account.statementAmount = r.accounts[i].statementAmount;
311                 al.push(account);
312             }
313         }    
314         return al;
315     }
316     /**
317      * @description Parser for Favourite List
318      * @param r responseJSON from the service
319      * @returns {Array} of Favourites objects
320      */
322     function parseAccountInfo(r) {
323         var account = new Account();
324         if(r.accountHolder)
325             account.accountHolder = r.accountHolder;
326         if(r.linkedAccount)
327             account.linkedAccount = r.linkedAccount;
328         if(r.balance)
329             account.balance = r.balance;
330         if(r.availableFunds)
331             account.availableFunds = r.availableFunds;
332         if(r.outstandingAmount)
333             account.outstandingAmount = r.outstandingAmount;
334         if(r.minimumAmount)
335             account.minimumAmount = r.minimumAmount;
336         if(r.statementAmount)
337             account.statementAmount = r.statementAmount;
338         return account;
339     }
340     /**
341      * @description Parser for Favourite List
342      * @param r responseJSON from the service
343      * @returns {Array} of Favourites objects
344      */
346     function parseFavouriteList(r){
347         var al = [];
348         if (r.favourites) {
349             for (var i = 0;i < r.favourites.length;i++) {
350                 var favourite = new Favourites();
351                 favourite.favId = r.favourites[i].favouriteIdentification;
352                 favourite.favType = r.favourites[i].favouriteType;
353                 favourite.alias = r.favourites[i].alias;
354                 favourite.paymentType = r.favourites[i].details.paymentType;
355                 if (r.favourites[i].details.toAccount) {
356                     favourite.accountIdentification = r.favourites[i].details.toAccount.accountIdentification;
357                     favourite.paymentInstrumentId = r.favourites[i].details.toAccount.paymentInstrumentId;
358                     favourite.to_account_type = r.favourites[i].details.toAccount.type;
359                 } else if (r.favourites[i].details.billerInfo) {
360                     favourite.billerName = r.favourites[i].details.billerInfo.billerName;
361                     favourite.paymentInstrumentId = r.favourites[i].details.billerInfo.billerPaymentInstrumentId;
362                     favourite.billerCode = r.favourites[i].details.billerInfo.billerCode;
363                 }
364                 al.push(favourite);
365             }
366         }
367         return al;
369     }
371     /**
372     @function
374     @param  response This is the XML document/JSON object that is returned by the AJAX call made by the MobiliserClient.
375     */
376     if(loginParseXML)
377         delete loginParseXML;
379     function loginParseXML(response) {
380       if (response.customerId !== null) {
381           session.customerId =;
382           session.userId = response.userId;
383           pl.userId = response.userId;
384           session.customerSupportNo = response.customerSupportNo;
385           session.idNumber = response.idNumber;
386           pl.idNumber = response.idNumber;
387           session.idType = response.idType;
388           pl.idType = response.idType;
389           session.authentication = new Authentication();
390           // =;
391           session.authentication.token = response.authentication.token;
392           pl.authentication = session.authentication;
393           if(response.customer) {
394               var c = new Customer();
395               c.customerId =;
396               c.orgUnitId = response.customer.orgUnitId;
397               session.bankId = response.customer.orgUnitId;
398               c.blacklist = response.customer.blackListReason;
399      =;
400               c.test = response.customer.test;
401               c.displayName = response.customer.displayName;
402               c.language = response.customer.language;
403               c.timezone = response.customer.timeZone;
404               c.typeId = response.customer.customerTypeId;
405               c.cancelId = response.customer.cancellationReasonId;
406               c.modeId = response.customer.txnReceiptModeId;
408               session.customer = c;
409           }
410       }
411     }
413     /**
414      * @description Parser for Transaction List
415      * @param r responseJSON from the service
416      * @returns {Array} of Transaction objects
417      */
418     function parseTransactionList(r) {
419         var txns = [];
420         if(r.transaction) {
421             for(var i = 0;i < r.transaction.length;i++) {
422                 var txn = new Transaction();
423        = r.transaction[i].id;
424                 txn.debitCredit = r.transaction[i].debitCredit;
425                 txn.amount.value = r.transaction[i].amount.value;
426                 txn.amount.currency = r.transaction[i].amount.currency;
427        = r.transaction[i].date;
428                 txn.postingDate = r.transaction[i].postingDate;
429                 txn.account.accountIdentification = r.transaction[i].account.accountIdentification;
430                 txn.account.institutionCode = r.transaction[i].account.institutionCode;
431                 txn.account.type = r.transaction[i].account.type;
432                 txn.account.paymentInstrumentId = r.transaction[i].account.paymentInstrumentId;
433                 txn.account.code = r.transaction[i].account.code;
434                 txn.balance.value = r.transaction[i].balance.value;
435                 txn.balance.currency = r.transaction[i].balance.currency;
436                 txn.chequeNumber = r.transaction[i].chequeNumber;
437                 txn.text1 = r.transaction[i].text1;
438                 txn.text2 = r.transaction[i].text2;
439                 txn.text3 = r.transaction[i].text3;
440                 txn.text4 = r.transaction[i].text4;
442                 txns.push(txn);
443             }
444         }
445         return txns;
446     }
448     /**
449      * @description parser for currencies response
450      * @param r response data
451      * @returns {Array} of parsed currecy objects with id and name properties
452      */
453     function parseCurrencies(r) {
454         var currencies = [];
455         if(r.lookupEntities != null) {
456             for(var i = 0;i < r.lookupEntities.length;i++) {
457                 var currency = {};
458        = r.lookupEntities[i].id;
459        = r.lookupEntities[i].name;
460                 currencies.push(currency);
461             }
462         }
463         return currencies;
464     }
466     /**
467      * @description parses the exchange rate fields from the server.
468      * @param r
469      * @returns {Object} containing exchange rate fields
470      */
471     function parseExchangeRate(r) {
472         var er = {};
473         if(r.exchangeRate != null) {
474             er["From Amount"] = r.exchangeRate.fromAmount;
475             er["To Amount"] = r.exchangeRate.toAmount;
476             er["Rate"] = r.exchangeRate.rate;
477             er["From Currency"] = r.exchangeRate.fromCurrency;
478             er["To Currency"] = r.exchangeRate.toCurrency;
479         }
480         return er;
481     }
484     /**
485      * @description response handler for cheque status web service calls
486      * @param r responseXML/JSON
487      */
488     function getChequeStatusResponse(r) {
489         hideProgress();
490         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
491         if (rCode == '0') {
492             var status = parseChequeStatus(r);
493             $('#csr_status').html(status);
494             $.mobile.changePage("chequestatusresult.html", page_opt);
495         } else {
496             _alertBox('Failed to get cheque status.\n' + getErrorMessage(r));
497         }
498         appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
499     }
501     /**
502      * @description Parser for cheque status call response
503      * @param r
504      * @returns {String}
505      */
506     function parseChequeStatus(r) {
507         return r.chequeStatus?r.chequeStatus:"UNKNOWN";
508     }
510     /**
511      * @description response handler for cheque stop payment request
512      * @param r
513      */
514     function getChequeStopResponse(r) {
515         hideProgress();
516         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
517         if (rCode == '0') {
518             _alertBox('Stop cheque request have been placed successfully.');
519             $.mobile.changePage("chequemgt.html", page_opt);
520         } else {
521             _alertBox('Error:\n' + getErrorMessage(r));
522         }
523         appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
524     }
526     /**
527      * @description Callback handler for Chequebook placements
528      * @param r
529      */
530     function placeChequeBookRequestBack(r) {
531         hideProgress();
532         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
533         if (rCode == '0') {
534             _alertBox('Cheque book request have been placed successfully.');
535             goMBBack();
536         } else {
537             _alertBox('Failed to place cheque book request.\n' + getErrorMessage(r));
538         }
539         appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
540     }
542     /**
543       @function
545       @param  r This is the XML document/JSON object that is returned by the AJAX call made by the MobiliserClient.
546      */
547     var logoutBack = function(r) {
548         hideProgress();
550         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
551         if (appstate == trans.TRAN_LOGOUT) {
552             if(rCode == '0') {
553                 $.mobile.changePage("login.html", page_opt);
554                 session = new LoginSession();
555             } else if (rCode == '353') {
556                 _alertBox('Logout failed! ' + getErrorMessage(r));
557                 $.mobile.changePage("login.html", page_opt);
558                 session = new LoginSession();
559             } else {
560                 _alertBox('Logout failed! ' + getErrorMessage(r));
561             }
562         }
563         appstate = trans.TRAN_IDLE;
564     };
566     /*****************************************************************************
567      * Functions
568      */
570     /**
571       @function
573       @param  r This is the XML document/JSON object that is returned by the AJAX call made by the MobiliserClient.
574     */
575     function getStatusCode(r) {
576         return r.Status.code.toString();
577     }
579     /**
580       @function
582       @param  r This is the XML document/JSON object that is returned by the AJAX call made by the MobiliserClient.
583       @param  entryName This is string of the entry node name in XML document/JSON object.
584     */
585     function parseReturnEntry(r, entryName) {
586         return r[entryName];
587     }
589     /**
590       @function
592       @param  r This is the XML document/JSON object that is returned by the AJAX call made by the MobiliserClient.
593       @param  entryName This is string of the entry node name in XML document/JSON object.
594       @param  attrName This is string of attribute name of the entry node in XML document/JSON object.
595     */
596     function parseReturnEntryAttr(r, entryName, attrName) {
597         return r[entryName][attrName].toString();
598     }
600     /**
601       @function
603       @param  r This is the XML document/JSON object that is returned by the AJAX call made by the MobiliserClient.
604     */
605     function getErrorMessage(r) {
606         var errValue = r.Status.value;
607         var errCode = r.Status.code.toString();
608         if(errValue !== null) {
609             if (errCode == '329' || errCode == '201')
610                 return "Check your username or password and try again!";
611             else if (errCode == '302')
612                 return "Your account is blocked! Please contact service provider.";
613             else if(errCode == '2517')
614                 return "Payer has no valid wallet for this transaction";
615             else if(errCode == '2507')
616                 return "Payee has no valid wallet for this transaction";
617             else
618                 return r.Status.value;
619         } else {
620             var msg = '';
621             switch (errCode) {
622             case '1002': msg = "INVALID MSISDN: Indicates that (one of) the specified MSISDN(s) is invalid. MSISDNs always have to specified as +countryCodenetCodenumber"; break;
623             case '1003': msg = "UNKNOWN TRANSACTION: Indicates that the (or a) transaction specified in the request does not exist."; break;
624             case '1004': msg = "INVALID TRANSACTION: Indicates that the (or a) transaction specified in the request cannot be used/considered in the requested context."; break;
625             case '1005': msg = "INVALID TRANSACTION STATUS: Indicates that the (or a) transaction specified in the request cannot be used/considered due to its status."; break;
626             case '1006': msg = "INACTIVE CUSTOMER: Indicates that the (or a) customer specified in the request cannot be used/considered because he is inactive"; break;
627             case '1008': msg = "BLACKLISTED CUSTOMER"; break;
628             case '1050': msg = "The transaction is locked by another process and cannot be handled right now"; break;
629             case '1112': msg = "INACTIVE USER: Indicates that the customer's status is inactive - see database CUSTOMER_STATUS.BOL_IS_ACTIVE."; break;
630             case '1114': msg = "CUSTOMER BLOCKED: Indicates that the customer is currently blocked due to the number of times wrong credentials have been specified."; break;
631             case '1115': msg = "BLACKLISTED USER: Indicates that the customer is blacklisted - see database CUSTOMER.ID_BLACKLISTREASON."; break;
632             case '1301': msg = "SESSION ACTIVE WARN: Indicates that a login failed because the customer has still an active session - this prevents logging in multiple times with just one customer."; break;
633             case '2231': msg = "AIRTIME LIMIT EXCEEDED"; break;
634             case '2232': msg = "CO-USER LIMIT EXCEEDED"; break;
635             case '2259': msg = "VOUCHER SALE HANDLER FAILURE"; break;
636             case '2299': msg = "TRANSACTION FAILED PERMANENTLY"; break;
638             //mBanking error
640             case '3100': msg = Str_do_not_honor; break;
641             case '3102': msg = Str_suspected_fraud; break;
642             case '3110': msg = Str_already_registerd; break;
643             case '3115': msg = Str_request_function; break;
644             case '3116': msg = Str_no_sufficient_fund; break;
645             case '3117': msg = Str_incorrect_pin; break;
646             case '3119': msg = Str_transaction_not_permitted; break;
647             case '3120': msg = Str_not_permitted_to_terminal; break;
648             case '3125': msg = Str_retry_exceeded; break;
649             case '3126': msg = Str_invalid_pin_block; break;
650             case '3127': msg = Str_pin_length; break;
651             case '3129': msg = Str_suspected_card; break;
652             case '3180': msg = Str_unknown_userid; break;
653             case '3181': msg = Str_mbanking_session; break;
654             case '3200': msg = Str_request_in_progress; break;
655             case '3210': msg = Str_invalid_amount; break;
656             case '3211': msg = Str_withdrawal_amount; break;
657             case '3212': msg = Str_withdrawal_frequency; break;
658             case '3220': msg = Str_invalid_account; break;
659             case '3221': msg = Str_no_credit_account; break;
660             case '3222': msg = Str_no_investment_account; break;
661             case '3223': msg = Str_no_current_account; break;
662             case '3224': msg = Str_no_saving_account; break;
663             case '3250': msg = Str_completed_partially; break;
664             case '3300': msg = Str_account_suspended; break;
665             case '3301': msg = Str_suspected_malfunction; break;
666             case '3302': msg = Str_technical_problem; break;
667             case '3310': msg = Str_card_frequency; break;
668             case '3320': msg = Str_bill_payment_frequency; break;
669             case '3330': msg = Str_own_account_frequency; break;
670             case '3331': msg = Str_other_account_frequency; break;
671             case '3332': msg = Str_interbank_frequency; break;
672             case '3340': msg = Str_mobile_reload_frequency; break;
673             case '3341': msg = Str_mobile_transfer_intrabank; break;
674             case '3342': msg = Str_mobile_transfer_interbank; break;
675             case '3350': msg = Str_stop_cheque_frequency; break;
676             case '3351': msg = Str_requset_check_frequency; break;
677             case '3901': msg = Str_invalid_response; break;
678             case '3902': msg = Str_invalid_transaction; break;
679             case '3904': msg = Str_format_error; break;
680             case '3907': msg = Str_card_issuer_switch_inoperative; break;
681             case '3911': msg = Str_invalid_request; break;
682             case '3913': msg = Str_duplicate_transmission; break;
683             case '3915': msg = Str_response_recieved_late; break;
685             default: msg = "Unknown Error!"; break;
686             }
687             return msg;
688         }
689     }
691     function epoch2UTC(epoch) {
692         var utcDate = new Date(epoch);
693         return utcDate.getFullYear()+'-'+pad2(utcDate.getMonth()+1)+'-'+pad2(utcDate.getDate())+
694             'T'+pad2(utcDate.getHours())+':'+pad2(utcDate.getMinutes())+':'+pad2(utcDate.getSeconds());
695     }
697     /**
698       @function
699       @description This function can be used for debugging purposes to display the contents of an XML message.
700       Depending on the browser capabilities, the data will be serialized.
702       @param  xmlDoc This is the XML data that will be shown in the alert box.
703      */
704     function alertXML(xmlDoc) {
705         if (xmlDoc.xml) // IE
706             _alertBox(xmlHttpReq.responseXML.xml);
707         else // MOZ
708             _alertBox((new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xmlDoc));
709     }
711     /**
712      @param message Message to display in the alert box
713     */
714     function _alertBox(message) {
715         if (typeof navigator.notification != 'undefined' && typeof navigator.notification.alert == 'function')
716             navigator.notification.alert(message,null,"Mobiliser Smartphone","OK");
717         else
718             alert(message);     // default alert function to be used
719     }
721     /**
722      @param message Message to display in the confirm box
723      */
724     function _confirmBox(message, confirmCallback) {
725         if (typeof navigator.notification != 'undefined' && typeof navigator.notification.confirm == 'function')
726             navigator.notification.confirm(message, confirmCallback,"Mobiliser Smartphone","OK,Cancel");
727         else {
728             confirmCallback(confirm(message));
729         }
730     }
733     /**
734      * @description parser for currencies response
735      * @param r response data
736      * @param filter an optional array which maps a new string for name
737      * @returns {Array} of parsed currecy objects with id and name properties
738      */
739     function parseLookupEntities(r, filter) {
740         var entities = [];
741         if(r.lookupEntities != null) {
742             for(var i = 0;i < r.lookupEntities.length;i++) {
743                 var entity = {};
744        = r.lookupEntities[i].id;
745                 //Check if filter is provided
746                 if(filter) {
747                     //Check if filter contains the key
748            = filter[r.lookupEntities[i].name]?filter[r.lookupEntities[i].name]:r.lookupEntities[i].name;
749                 } else {
750                     //No filter store the name as it is returned by service
751            = r.lookupEntities[i].name;
752                 }
753                 entities.push(entity);
754             }
755         }
756         return entities;
757     }
759     /**
760      * @description  Mbanking TopUp
761      */
762     function MBankingTopUpBack(r) {
763         hideProgress();
764         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
765         if (rCode == '0') {
766             $.mobile.changePage("prepaiddone.html", page_opt);
767             $('#tp_fromaccountbal').text(r.fromAccountBalance.currency + " " + r.fromAccountBalance.value/100);
768             $('#refno3').text(r.transactionId);
769         } else {
770             _alertBox("Failed to top up! " + getErrorMessage(r));
771         }
772     }
774     /**
775       * @description  Callback handler for Mbanking denominations
776       * @param r responseJSON containing products
777       */
778     function denominationsBack(r){
779         hideProgress();
780         var rCode = getStatusCode(r);
781         if (rCode == '0') {
782             session.denominations = parseDenomination(r);
783             if(session.denominations.length < 1) {
784                 _alertBox("No products found for you.");
785             } else {
786                 populateDenominations('#topup_denomination', session.denominations);
787             }
788         } else {
789             _alertBox('getting denominations failed! ' + getErrorMessage(r));
790         }
791     }
795     /**
796      * @description parser for denomimation response
797      * @param r response data
798      * @returns {Array} of parsed denomination objects with id and name properties
799      */
800     function parseDenomination(r) {
801         var denominations = [];
802         if(r.denomination) {
803             for(var i = 0;i <r.denomination.length;i++) {
804                 var denomination = new Denomination();
805        = r.denomination[i].denominationId;
806                 denomination.amount = r.denomination[i].amount;
807                 denomination.description = r.denomination[i].description;
808                 denomination.code = r.denomination[i].code;
809                 denomination.subcode = r.denomination[i].subCode;
810                 denominations.push(denomination);
811             }
812         }
813         return denominations;
814     }