
A set of data objects utilized by the Mobiliser Smartphone application.

1       /**
2        *  @overview
3        * A set of data objects utilized by the Mobiliser Smartphone application.
4        *
5        * @name SY_OB_Data_Objects.js
6        * @author SAP AG
7        * @version 1.0
8        *
9        */
12      /**
13        @class Setting is a connection configurations class to connect to the back-end server.
14        @constructor
15        @param protocol String representing the protocol type. Either "http://" or "https://".
16        @param ipaddress The IP address of the money mobiliser server
17        @param port The port number of the money mobiliser server
18        @param wsname The name of the WS_Core web service;
19       */
20      function Setting() {
21          this.protocol = 'http://';
22          this.ipaddress = '';//'';//'';//'';//'';//'';//'';//'';//'';
23          this.port = '8080';//'80';
24          this.wsname = 'mobiliser/rest/spmmbanking';
25          this.spmws = 'mobiliser/rest/smartphone';
26          this.origin = "MAPP";
27          this.appinfo = {};
28          this.appinfo.device = '';
29          this.appinfo.deviceId = '';
30          this.appinfo.otherDeviceId = '';
31          this.appinfo.application = "MAPP";  // TODO: change app name and add version number (svn revision ? build number ?)
32                                              // Currently, appid used for AuditData expects "MAPP", otherwise user cannot login.
33          this.appinfo.applicationVersion = "5.1.3";
34      }
36      /**
37       * @class OrgUnits which contains the available org units for which customer can
38       *        log into the app.
39       * @param id
40       * @param name
41       * @param currency
42       */
43      function OrgUnit() {
44 = '';
45 = '';
46          this.currency = '';
47      }
49      /**
50       * @class This stores authentication object which is needed for further
51       * authentication
52       */
53      function Authentication() {
54          this.token = '';
55      }
57      /**
58      @class Contains basic information about the customer.
60      @constructor
62      @param customerId
63      @param {string} msisdn The msisdn of the customer
64      @param blacklist An id for blacklistreason to indicate customer account status.
65      @param test test state of customer account.
66      @param typeId The id of customerType
67      @param cancelId The id of cancellationReason of customer account
68      @param modeId The id of mode of txn receipt mode of customer account
69      */
70      function Customer() {
71          this.customerId = '';
72          this.orgUnitId = '';
73          this.blacklist = '';
74 = '';
75          this.test = '';
76          this.displayName = '';
77          this.language = '';
78          this.timezone = '';
79          this.typeId = '';
80          this.cancelId = '';
81          this.modeId = '';
82      }
86      /**
87       * @class This class stores information about specific accounts
88       * @param accountIdentification
89       * @param institutionCode
90       * @param type
91       * @param accountStatus
92       * @param linkedAccount
93       * @param branchCode
94       * @param countryCode
95       * @param currencyCode
96       * @param accountHolder
97       * @param alias
98       * @param balance
99       * @param outstandingAmount
100      * @param minimumAmount
101      * @param statementAmount
102      * @param paymentInstrumentId
103      * @param accountFamily Legal values CA, CASA, OTHERS, CREATECARD, DB
104      * @param code
105      * @param categoryDescription
106      */
107     function Account() {
108         this.accountIdentification = '';
109         this.institutionCode = '';
110         this.type = '';
111         this.accountStatus = '';
112         this.paymentInstrumentId = '';
113         this.linkedAccount = '';
114         this.branchCode = '';
115         this.countryCode = '';
116         this.currencyCode = '';
117         this.accountHolder = '';
118         this.alias = '';
119         this.balance = '';
120         this.availableFunds = '';
121         this.outstandingAmount = '';
122         this.minimumAmount = '';
123         this.statementAmount = '';
124     }
126     /**
127       @class LoginSession This is the session class which stores all of the user's data throughtout a login session.
129       @constructor
130       @param customerId The customer id
131       @param password The password of the customer
132       @param sessionId The session id as returned by the server
133       @param customerId The id of the customer
134       @param displayName The display name of the customer
135       @param msisdn The phone number of the customer
136       @param transaction Is an array of tranasctions
137       @param contactNumber Is an array of contacts from the address book of the user's smartphone
138       @param invoiceNo The current invoice number the user is selecting to pay for
139       @param registeredbill A list of all registered bills for the user
140       @param openbill
141       @param openBillArray A list of all open and due bills for the user
142       @param accounts A list of accounts registered by the user
143       @param totalaccounts total number of accounts registered by the user
144       @param customer A list of accounts registered by the user
145       @param svaalert A list of accounts registered by the user
146      */
147     function LoginSession() {
148         /*Open Bank API data*/
149         this.customerId = '';
150         this.userId = '';
151         this.userMsisdn = '';
152         this.bankId = '';
153         this.customerSupportNo = '';
154         this.idNumber = '';
155         this.idType = '';
156         this.authentication = new Authentication();
157         this.accountList = [];
158         this.customer = new Customer();
159         this.totalfavourites = '';
160         this.favourites = [];
161         this.txns = [];
162         this.denominations = [];
163     }
165     /**
166      * @class Amount
167      * @param value
168      * @param currency
169      */
170     function Amount() {
171         this.value = '';
172         this.currency = '';
173     }
175     /**
176      * @class Transaction class
177      * @param id
178      * @param debitCredit debit or credit
179      */
180     function Transaction() {
181 = '';
182         this.debitCredit = '';
183         this.amount = new Amount();
184 = '';
185         this.postingDate = '';
186         this.account = new Account();
187         this.balance = new Amount();
188         this.chequeNumber = '';
189         this.text1 = '';
190         this.text2 = '';
191         this.text3 = '';
192         this.text4 = '';
193     }
194     /**
195      * @class This class stores information about favourites
196      * @param favId
197      * @param favType
198      * @param alias
199      * @param details
200      */
201     function Favourites(){
202         this.favId = '';
203         this.favType = '';
204         this.alias = '';
205         this.accountHolder = '';
206         this.accountIdentification ='';
207         this.paymentType = '';
208         this.paymentInstrumentId = '';
209         this.to_account_type = '';
210         this.billerName = '';
211         this.billerCode = '';
212     }
214     /**
215     @class Timer
217     @constructor
218     */
219     function Timer() {
220         this.handle = '';
221         this.on_flag = 0;
222     }
225     /**
226      * @class This class stores information about denominations
227      * @param Id
228      * @param value
229      */
230     function Denomination(){
231 = '';
232         this.amount = new Amount();
233         this.description = '';
234         this.code = '';
235         this.subcode = '';
236     }