ITransactionFlowOverlay< Req extends IMoneyRequest, Res extends ITransactionResponse > interface


public interface ITransactionFlowOverlay< Req extends IMoneyRequest, Res extends ITransactionResponse >


The ITransactionFlowOverlay Interface can be used to customize the standard transaction processing by adding customized code that is called during the processing. By implementing the TransactionFlowOverlay interface and registering the implementation as OSGi service you can directly inject your logic into the standard flow. An implementation of this interface can be used to
  • modify the incoming request (for example change use case),
  • add data to the outgoing response,
  • add additional fees,
  • perform additional limit checks.
Once the bundle is deployed in the container it will be invoked for all financial transactions. If you just want to execute your code for a subset of the transactions you have to filter for those. Please see the Money Mobiliser Customization Guide, Chapter 5.3, Transaction Overlay for more details

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