doAuthorisation(final AtomicReference< Req >, final AtomicReference< Res >, final AtomicReference< CallerInformation >, final AtomicReference< Long >, final AtomicReference< Long >) method

The authorization step is a multiple call step.


boolean doAuthorisation ( final AtomicReference< Req > requestRef , final AtomicReference< Res > responseRef , final AtomicReference< CallerInformation > callerRef , final AtomicReference< Long > authIdRef , final AtomicReference< Long > txnIdRef )



First it calls the beforeDoAuthorisation. Afterwards the maker/checker workflow processing is invoked, followed by calling the authorisation logic. The following call is the post doAuthorisation. The final method is

ITransactionFlowOverlay#afterAuthorisationSuccess(IMoneyRequest, ITransactionResponse, AtomicReference, AtomicReference)