Creating Flight Collection Screen (FlightDetailsViewController)

Create a table using Table View option in the Interface Builder, as implemented in SettingsViewcontroller.

For displaying the list of flight carriers, add the following code snippet in cellForRowAtIndexPath method of tableview:

/*Iterate through the entries saved in carriers List array got after parsing the OData document and get the
        required fields and display in the format CARRNAME (carrid)*/

        SDMODataEntry* displayEntry = [sCarriersList objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];
        SDMODataPropertyValueObject* valueObject = [displayEntry getPropertyValueByPath:@"CARRNAME"];     
        SDMODataPropertyValueObject* codeValue = [displayEntry getPropertyValueByPath:@"carrid"];  

        cell.textLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@(%@)", [valueObject getValue], [codeValue getValue]];