Creating a Security Configuration for a Domain

Create a security configuration using Sybase Control Center, then map it to the desired domain.

Connect to Sybase Control Center.
  1. Log in to Sybase Control Center using the credentials you indicated during installation.
  2. In the right pane, under General tab, click New....
  3. In Create Security Configuration dialog box, enter SSO as security configuration name.
    SCC Create Security
  4. Click OK.
    SSO is created as desired security configuration in left navigation pane under Security node.
  5. In Sybase Control Center, select View > Select > Mobile Server Cluster Management View.
  6. In the left navigation pane, select Domains -> default -> Security folder and click Assign.
  7. Select SSO. In the right pane, under Authentication click New....
  8. In Edit Provider dialog box:
    1. Select the required loginModule in authentication provider from the drop-down list.
    2. Enter the authentication provider URL in URL field as
    3. Click Save.
      Edit Provider
  9. Under Configuration authentication properties, select and delete the default provider type: NoSecLoginModule.
    Similarly, under Authorization and Attribution tabs, delete the default provider types: NoSecAuthorizer and NoSecAtributer respectively.
  10. Under General tab, click Validate to validate the configuration before applying the changes to the Unwired Server.
  11. Click Apply.
In Sybase Control Center, create the application ID.