Troubleshooting Subscription Problems

Troubleshoot problems that arise if a subscription is not in a valid state, or if the check subscription command returns an error message.

  1. Check whether there are any error messages in the Replication Server error log file and rectify the problem. If there are no error messages, go to step 2.

    By default, Replication Server error log files are in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_REP/install directory. The Replication Server error log file name has this format:


    where rs_name is the Replication Server name. The SAMPLE_RS log file name is SAMPLE_RS.log, in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_REP/samp_repserver directory.

  2. Check whether there are any error messages in the Replication Agent error log file and rectify the problem.
  3. Restart the direct_load process:
    1. Log in to the Replication Server:
      isql –Usa –Psa_pass –SSAMPLE_RS
    2. Drop the direct_load subscription:
      drop subscription ptab1_sub
      for <repdefname>
      with replicate at rds.rdb
      without purge
    3. Ensure that the subscription is dropped:
      check subscription ptab1_sub
      for <repdefname>
      with replicate at rds.rdb
      ptab1_sub doesn't exist.
    4. Truncate the table on the SAP HANA database to ensure that all the rows loaded from the primary database to the replicate HANA table can be rematerialized.
    5. Re-create the subscription with the direct_load option:
      create subscription ptab1_sub
      for <repdefname>
      with replicate at rds.rdb
      without holdlock
      user <puser> password <ppwd>

      The subscriptions created with the direct_load option materialize subscription data regardless of whether a table is marked and enabled for continuous replication.

      Note: If you suspend the SAP HANA connection or drop a subscription during susbcription materialization, the direct_load materialization process stops.