Creating a Replication Server Connection to the Primary Database

Create a Replication Server connection to the primary database.

  1. In Replication Server, create a connection to the primary Oracle database:
    create connection to pds.pdb
    using profile rs_rs_to_oracle_ra;standard
    set username muser
    set password mpwd
    with log transfer on, dsi_suspended
    • pds is the value of the rs_source_ds parameter specified in Replication Agent.

    • pdb is the value of rs_source_db specified in Replication Agent.

    • muser is the maintenance user for the primary Oracle database. This user must already exist and have the necessary select permissions in the primary database. See the Replication Server Options Primary Database Guide.

    • mpwd is the maintenance user password.

    For information about the maintenance user, see the Replication Server Heterogeneous Replication Guide > Sybase Replication Products > Replication Server > Database Connections > Maintenance User Purpose.
  2. Use admin show_connections, 'primary' to display the primary connection you created.