Deleting Users

To delete a user, first unassign all roles and workspaces, except the default workspace, from the user.

Back up the database.
Note: This task can be performed only by a system administrator or a DBA.
  1. In the Brand Mobiliser Web UI, log in as a user who has the ADMIN role, and who is assigned to the workspace.
  2. Navigate to the Manage User page, and unassign all roles and workspaces, except the default workspace, from the user.
  3. Using the database management tool:
    1. In the M_USERS table, find the ID of the user you want to delete (for example, ID = 100).
    2. In the M_CLIENTS_USERS table, delete the row where USERS_ID = 100.
    3. In the M_USERS table, delete the row where ID = 100.