User Roles

Brand Mobiliser roles restrict access to screens and controls.


The default user (admin) has the SUPER_ADMIN role. Do not change this configuration, but do change the password. The default password is Brand!23. The admin user is created in the production database when you run the Brand Mobiliser database scripts.

A user with the SUPER_ADMIN role is the platform administrator, has unlimited access to the system, and exclusive access to the Workspace Administration screen, which can be used to:
  • Create and manage workspaces
  • Create the QA workspace, and assign it to the workspace administrator
  • Configure channels
  • Start, stop, and restart the processing engine

A SUPER_ADMIN user can also perform any function available to other roles.


A user with the ADMIN role is called the workspace administrator. Each workspace should have an assigned workspace administrators who can create users for the workspace, set up the default menu, and manage sessions.

In a development environment with no active channels, you can assign the ADMIN role to an application developer. A user with the ADMIN role can:
  • Access all Workspace Administration screens, except Manage Workspace and Manage Channel Configuration.
  • Create and manage workspace users in the Manage User screen.
  • Manage active sessions that are created for interactive applications, using the Managing Sessions screen.
  • Monitor the Brand Mobiliser Processing Engine (processing engine) log using the Processing Engine Logs screen.
  • Generate traffic reports for a workspace.

ADMIN users can also perform any function available to the APP_ADMIN and APP_OWNER roles.


The APP_ADMIN role is assigned to team members of the QA team who are working in a QA environment.

Users with this role work with applications, events, and subscribers. They have full access to development functions, including create, modify, approve, simulate, and delete. They also can access to the Manage Categories screen.

Assign the APP_ADMIN role to testers, so they can import, activate, and test applications.


Typically, the APP_OWNER role is assigned to QA team members and application developers in the production environment, when necessary.

Application owners can create applications, but they cannot activate them. Access is restricted to read-only functionalities.

To allow business analysts to view traffic reports from testing, and to troubleshoot reported bugs, assign the APP_OWNER role to them.

Related tasks
Adding Users
Editing User Properties
Deactivating Users