Configuring New Database Installations

Brand Mobiliser installs with an embedded Apache Derby database that you can use for development and testing. For production, use either an IBM DB2 or an Oracle database.

Install a DB2 or an Oracle database—see the Brand Mobiliser Release Bulletin for supported database versions.

A database administrator (DBA) should install, configure, and support a production database. Installation procedures vary by database platform; review them with your DBA. To support Brand Mobiliser, run database scripts to create a tablespace, database objects, and the initial data.

  1. Review the database scripts that are included with Brand Mobiliser for compliance with corporate policies.
  2. Perform the appropriate tasks for your database:
    Database Perform These Tasks
    IBM DB2
    Note: Derby scripts are provided for a standalone Derby installation, also known as a network server. Test and certify a Derby network server installation before deploying it to a production environment.