Enabling SSL

Enable SSL for the Brand Mobiliser Web UI (HTTPS).

Brand Mobiliser embeds Jetty for its javax.servlet container capability. Configure Jetty for SSL, and use the X.509 certificate, which SAPĀ® recommends.

  1. Create a keystore if one does not yet exist:
    1. On the command line, enter:
      keytool -keystore keystore -alias jetty -genkey -keyalg RSA
    2. Follow the onscreen instructions. Enter the first and last name to match your machine host name.
    3. Copy the keystore file to the BRAND_HOME/conf/keystore directory.
  2. In the conf/cfgbackup directory, create an org.ops4j.pax.web.properties file (if it does not already exist), and add these lines:
    # Enable SSL
    # SSL Port
    # Keystore created to hold SSL certificate 
    # Keys to access Keystore and SSL certificate 
  3. To encrypt the properties org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.password and org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.keypassword, run the encryption tool.
  4. Enter the encrypted passwords, as in the example, below:
    # Keys to access Keystore and SSL certificate 
  5. Stop and restart Brand Mobiliser.
  6. Verify the connection at https://hostname:8443/brand, where hostname is the name of the machine on which Brand Mobiliser is running.
For more information about configuring Jetty for SSL, see http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/
Related concepts
Related tasks
Enabling Encryption
Encrypting Property Values
Hashing the Admin Password
Configuring Authentication