Getting Started

You can install Sybase® Brand Mobiliser in both development and production environments. Brand Mobiliser runs in an OSGi-compliant container.

Before you install Brand Mobiliser, familiarize yourself with the supported hardware and software—see the Brand Mobiliser Release Bulletin.

Although Brand Mobiliser works closely with the Mobiliser Platform, the Brand Mobiliser installation is independent of the Mobiliser Platform installation. You can install Brand Mobiliser on a server or on a developer workstation.

New Installations

If no earlier version of Brand Mobiliser is installed, install Brand Mobiliser version 1.3. After you install, the system is ready to run in a development environment.


If Brand Mobiliser version 1.2 and a production database (DB2 or Oracle) are already installed:
  1. Install Brand Mobiliser version 1.3.
  2. Upgrade the database.
Related tasks
Installing Brand Mobiliser
Setting Up a Production System
Upgrading the Brand Mobiliser Database