
The admin user is automatically created in the embedded Derby database when you install Brand Mobiliser. The admin user is created in a production database when you run the Brand Mobiliser database scripts. The admin user has the SUPER_ADMIN role and unlimited access to the system.

The initial password for the admin user is Brand!23. In a production system, the admin user should change the password. The admin user is the platform administrator. Some tasks, such as creating workspaces, and restarting and configuring channels, can be performed only by the platform administrator. In practice, the platform administrator generally creates and configures workspaces, and grants the ADMIN role to users.

A user with the ADMIN role can administer workspaces, create users, and assign workspaces to users. A user with the ADMIN role who is assigned to more than one workspace is the administrator for all those workspaces.

You cannot delete users from the Brand Mobiliser Web UI; however, you can deactivate them using the Manage User screen. When an inactive user tries to log in, he or she sees Invalid user ID or password.