Restrictions and Limitations

Before working with spatial data, spatial references systems, and spatial units of measure in SAP® Sybase® IQ, familiarize yourself with 3D method restrictions and implications for performance and referential integrity.

2006 ISO Standard

3D methods are not supported, although you can store Z and M dimensions. The 2006 ISO Standard supports 2D spatial methods (X and Y dimensions) only.

Spatial Data Must be Stored in IQ Catalog Store Tables

Spatial data, spatial references systems, and spatial units of measure can be used only in the catalog store. The IQ main store cannot interpret spatial data, or store spatial data. You can query spatial data in the catalog store and join with an IQ main store table, but the join must be on a non-spatial column.

For example, suppose you want to associate an ST_Point with each of your customers, stored in an IQ main store table. Because IQ main store tables cannot store ST_Points, you must create a separate IQ catalog store table to hold points:

IQ main store table Customer( CustID, CustName, … )
IQ catalog store table CustPoints( CustID, Point )

Consider a scenario where you have an ST_Polygon P, and you want a query to find all customers within P. Assume P is a connection variable that has been populated either from a constant or by a previous query of an IQ catalog store table.

Select C.*
From Customer C, CustPoints CP
Where C.CustID = CP.CustID
And CP.Point.ST_Within( P ) = 1

Since this query streams the Customer table from the IQ main store to the IQ catalog store, performance is impacted. CIS functional compensation performance considerations apply.

Referential integrity constraints are not maintained across the IQ main store / IQ catalog store bridge. Ensure that row inserts/deletes in one table are reflected in the joined table. Every CustPoints row, for example, must correspond to a Customer row. If you delete Customer rows, you must delete the corresponding CustPoints rows.