
The Jobs option lets you schedule background jobs to run at certain times using cron expressions. For example, you can schedule a job to run at midnight to transfer commissions to the individual partners. You can also schedule a job to run every five minutes to generate new invoices. The cron job execution task retrieves jobs regularly from a database table according to the job handler name. The task makes sure that each job does not run in parallel multiple times, cancels jobs that are not responding, and synchronizes job execution across Java virtual machines (JVMs).


Field Description
Handler Defines which cron job task handles the job. The handler corresponds to a defined value in the database. The default handler is MOBILISER. You can enter multiple handlers separated by commas (MOBILISER, MOBILISER1, and so on).
Seviced By Indicates the filter for the job implementation: Class or Bean.
Implementation Defines the service filter to find the proper implementation in the service registry.
  • If the service filter is set to Class, then use the full class name.
  • If the service filter is set to Bean, then use the job bean name.
Schedule Defines the job schedule in cron expression format. For example, 0 0/5 * ? * * * is a cron expression that is triggered every 5 minutes. The default expression is 0 0/1 * * * ?, which is triggered to run every minute.
Parameters Defines the parameters that the job handler requires for job processing. Parameters can be any string that depends on the expected result of the job.
Job Name Defines the description of the job.
Active Determines if the job is active or inactive.
Max Delay Gives the maximum number of minutes a job is executed after the scheduled time. If max delay time is exceeded, the job is not started.
Max Duration Gives the maximum duration in minutes. After this time the job is handled as failed. If max duration time is exceeded, such as running longer than indicated, the job is canceled and marked as failed.
Related reference
Cron Expression Reference