Obtaining Apple Certificates and Resources for Branding


The following items must be addressed prior to performing this procedure:


This procedure provides guidance on obtaining the required certificates and other resources needed by SAP to build and return to the requesting organization a branded iOS Agentry Client. While every attempt is made to make this information as accurate as is possible, note that the procedures explained here are executed using web resources provided by Apple. If any discrepancies are found between this information and the information provided on Apple’s web site, information provided on that site should be considered the authoritative source.

The items resulting from this procedure are those needed by SAP to build a branded iOS Agentry Client.

  1. Navigate in a web browser to Apple’s Developer web site:
  2. Click the iOS Developer link and then log in using your Apple developer ID and password.
  3. On the page now displayed, under the iOS Developer Program, select the item iOS Provisioning Portal item.
  4. Create a distribution certificate if you do not already have one. Download a copy of this file.
  5. Install the certificate locally to your Keychain (Double click the certificate to begin this process.)
  6. From Keychain, export the private key out to a file. Note the location of this file. This is one of the items you will need to provide to SAP with the request for a branded client.
  7. On the iOS Provisioning page, select the App ID item on the left navigation bar.
  8. In the page displayed, click the New App ID button in the upper right corner.
  9. On the form now displayed, follow the instructions provided here for each field, as well as adhering to any information provided for these fields on the form.
    1. Description: Enter a unique, meaningful description for the App ID.
    2. Bundle Seed ID: Select the option Use the Team ID
    3. Bundle Identifier: This value must be unique. It is case sensitive in some areas and not in others. For this reason it is strongly recommended this value be entered in all lower case characters. Wild card values (*) are supported; however a wild card cannot be used if the application is to support push functionality. In almost all cases, wild cards should not be used, as this prevents push functionality from ever being implemented while the branded iOS Agentry Client provided is in use.
  10. Once the fields are entered, click the Submit button and then wait a few moments. Refresh the page and you should now see your newly created App ID in the list displayed. The Apple Push Notification Service column should show “Configurable for Development” and “Configurable for Production”.
  11. If push functionality is to be implemented, either with the initial implementation or in subsequent updates to the mobile application, the application must be enabled for Apple Push Notification Service:
    1. Select the Configure item in the action column.
    2. Check the box Enable for Apple Push Notification Service.
    3. Select the Configure button in the Production Push SSL Certificate section.
    4. Follow the instructions provided in the form to generate a signing request. It is strongly recommended the name be the same or similar to the Bundle Identifier.
    5. Once this process is completed, download the certificate and install it to your Keychain.
    6. Select the certificate and its private key and export them to a file. Note the location for later use when providing this to SAP with the branding request.
  12. The final task to accomplish on the Apple Developers site is to create a Distribution Provision Profile. This is accomplished in part using the distribution certificate and the App ID created previously. The following steps provide the details on this process:
    1. On the Apple site, select the Provisioning item in the menu on the left side. In the page displayed, select the Distribution tab. Click the New Profile button in the upper right.
    2. In the form displayed, enter the information in the fields per the following information.
      • Distribution Method: Select In House
      • Profile Name: Enter a meaningful name for the provisioning profile being created.
      • Distribution Certificate: Select the one created earlier in this procedure, which should now be listed here.
      • App ID: Select the App ID created previously in this procedure.
    3. Click the Submit button in the lower right corner.
  13. A status of Pending should now be displayed for the distribution provisioning profile. The request is being routed to be approved by the iOS developer program administrator of your organization. If you are the administrator, refresh the page and the status should change from pending to active.
    Tip: If you are unsure as to who may be the iOS Developer Program administrator at your firm, the people section of the Member Center can provide this information:
  14. Once the status is changed to active, select the Download button to save the distribution provisioning profile.
  15. Create the icon images you wish displayed in the client at runtime as a part of the rebranding.
  16. At this point gather the exported certificate files, and all other items downloaded during this process, as well as the image icons to replace the SAP provided icons, and place them in a single location in preparation for making them available to SAP.
  17. Once you have gathered all of these resources, navigate to the SAP Service Marketplace and create a customer message requesting a branded Agentry Client for iOS. Use the URL http://service.sap.com/message and reference the component MOB_SDK_ABK. You will be contacted regarding your request and will need to provide the resources generated during this procedure.
With the completion of this procedure, the resources needed by SAP to create a branded iOS Agentry Client have been created. This should include the following:
  • The distribution certificate and corresponding private key
  • The provisioning profile
  • The APNS Certificate and password for its private key (only if supporting push functionality)
  • The icon images to be used client at run time.
  • A customer message requesting a rebranded Agentry Client for iOS be built for you.