Image Cell

The image cell is a child definition to a field with an edit type of image. The image cell definition represents a cell for the parent image field. A cell definition can define an action to execute or a value to assign to the field’s target property when the cell is selected. Actions may be executed from detail screens for objects. Values may be assigned to properties from detail screens for transactions or fetches.

The editor allows for a single image cell to be edited within the image, or to edit multiple cell images at the same time. This is accomplished using the layout view for the image field. The grid will overlay the defined image in this view, and the cells may be selected and edited via right-clicking a cell. Multiple cells may be selected using Ctrl+Click. A single cell can be defined to set a value or execute an action, and then additional cells can be defined to be the same as that cell. This allows for multiple cells to be combined to define a region of the image, based on its appearance.

Image Cell Attributes

The following attributes define the behavior of the image field child definition image cell:
  • Cell: This attribute specifies which cell the definition represents. This is a numeric value displayed in the format (Row, Column), where Row and Column are the points where the row and column intersect to create the cell.
  • Name: This attribute is the name of the cell definition, which is set by default to Cell_R_C, where R and C are the row and column that make up the Cell.
  • Value When Selected (Transactions and Fetches): This attribute is available for transaction and fetch detail screens and defines the value to be set to the property targeted by the cell’s parent field definition when the cell is selected.
  • Action (Objects): This attribute references the action to execute on object detail screens when the user selects the cell.
  • Action Target: This attribute specifies the object instance that is targeted by the action executed.
  • Tooltip When Hovered Over: This text field can contain any text value. This will be the text displayed on the client when the user hovers the mouse cursor over the cell. This attribute only impacts image fields displayed on detail screens for the Windows PC platforms.