The SUM function takes one or more numeric parameters, adds the values of each, and returns the result. This function may be called in an integral number, decimal number, or string context. The data type of each parameter in the numeric contexts will match that context. In a string context, the function will treat its parameters as decimal numbers, though integral numbers may be provided.


@SUM (Number 1 [, ..., Number N])
Number 1
Required parameter; evaluated as either an integral or decimal number, depending on the context of the function call. Contains the first value to be summed with all other parameters to the function.
Number N
Optional parameter(s); evaluated as either an integral or decimal number, depending on the context of the function call. Contains the additional value(s) to be summed with all other parameters to the function.

Supported Return Types

  • Integral Number
  • Decimal Number
  • String