Hybrid Apps Validation Rules and Error Messages

Validation rules are enforced when defining Hybrid Apps. Messages are generated when validation rules are violated.

Hybrid App validation rules and error messages
Severity and message Cause Action

problem.empty.module.name=Module name cannot be empty

The Flow Design page property Module name requires an entry, but the property is blank.

Provide a module name.

problem.module.name.too.long=The length of the module name cannot exceed 100 characters

The Module name is too long.

Shorten the module name.

problem.module.version.too.low=The module version must be at least 1

The Flow Design page property Module version requires an entry, but the property is blank.

Enter a module version of at least 1.

problem.match.rule.invalid.regex=The regular expression ''{0}'' for the ''{1}'' match rule is not valid.

The regular expression for the match rule indicated in the message is not valid.

Supply a regular expression that is a valid.

problem.screen.key.duplicated=The screen key ''{0}'' has been duplicated.

The screen key indicated in the messages is already used. The screen key value must be unique.

Enter another screen key that is unique.

problem.empty.screen.name=Screen name cannot be empty.

The Screen name property requires an entry, but the property is blank.

Enter a screen name.

problem.empty.screen.key=Screen key cannot be empty.

The Screen key property requires an entry, but the property is blank.

Enter a screen key.

problem.control.has.no.key=The control ''{0}'' on screen ''{1}'' has no key.

The control for the screen identified in the message requires a key, but the property is blank.

Enter a key for the control.

problem.control.uses.key.with.unsupported.datatype=The control ''{0}'' on screen ''{1}'' uses a key with a data type that this type of control does not support.

The data type entered for the control on the screen indicated in the message is not supported.

Enter a data type that is valid for the control.

problem.control.uses.key.used.by.another.control=The control ''{0}'' on screen ''{1}'' uses a key that another control on the same screen is using.

The key for the control and screen indicated in the message is already used by another control. The key must be unique.

Enter another control key that is unique.

problem.control.is.choice.but.has.no.options=The choice control ''{0}'' on screen ''{1}'' has no options.

The choice control requires one or more selection items. No items are included.

If you intend to use the choice control, select items to add from the drop-down list. Note that you can supply the selection items either statically or dynamically, but you must supply them. Or, select another control type.

problem.control.is.attachmentviewer.but.has.no.mimetype.or.filename=The attachment viewer control ''{0}'' on screen ''{1}'' has neither its MIME type nor its file name properties configured.

The attachment viewer control and screen named in the message does not include an attachment.

Configure either a MIME type or a file name to identify the attachment.

problem.too.many.default.menu.items=The screen ''{0}'' has more than one default menu items.

The screen identified in the message has multiple default menu items, but only one is allowed.

Identify only one menu item as the default.

problem.open.menu.item.with.no.screen=The menuitem ''{0}'' on the screen ''{1}'' is marked as being of type Open but does not have its screen property set.

The menu item on the screen identified in the message does not have screen properties set to correspond with the Open type.

Provide the screen to which to link.

problem.empty.flow.starting.point.name=Flow starting points cannot have an empty name.

The flow design requires starting point coordinates, but none are assigned.

Provide the starting point properties.

problem.operation.parameter.unmapped=No key is mapped to parameter {0}->{1}()->{2}

A key is required for the operation parameter indicated in the message.

Provide a key for the operation parameter.

problem.namedquery.parameter.unmapped=No key is mapped to parameter {0}->{1}()->{2}

A key is required for the named query parameter indicated in the message.

Provide a key for the named query parameter.

problem.key.unmapped=The key ''{0}'' is unused.

The key identified in the message is not used.

Either delete the key or map it to the required parameter.

problem.screen.has.no.flow.starting.point=The screen ''{0}'' is not linked to any starting points and thus will be unused.

The screen identified in the message is not linked to any starting parts so is not used.

Either delete the screen or map it to the required starting points.

problem.action.has.pk.mapping.that.is.bound.to.nonexistent.pk=The screen ''{0}'' has a menu item ''{1}'' that has a personalization key mapping that refers to a personalization key, ''{2}'', that does not exist.

The personalization key that is identified in the messages is not mapped correctly.

Map to an existing personalization key.

problem.key.has.no.binding=The key ''{0}'' in the starting point ''{1}'' is not bound to any data.

The key identified in the message is not bound to a data source.

Map the starting point key to the data source.

problem.key.is.bound.to.nonexistent.pk=The key ''{0}'' in the starting point ''{1}'' is bound to a personalization key, ''{2}'', that does not exist.

The starting point key named in the message is bound to a personalization key that does not exist.

Either bind the key to an existing personalization key, or create the missing personalization key.

problem.key.in.non.server.initiated.starting.point.is.sent.from.server=The key ''{0}'' in the starting point ''{1}'', which is not server-initiated, is marked as being sent from the server, which is not supported.

The starting point key is not server-initiated, but it is associated with a server. Server-initiated starting point is not supported.

Change the starting point key to be non-server initiated.

problem.add.action.must.specify.a.screen=The menu item named ''{0}'' of type add on the screen ''{1}'' must specify a screen

The menu item on the screen identified in the message requires a screen, but one is not specified.

Specify a screen.

problem.key.name.duplicated=The starting point ''{0}'' has more than one key with the name ''{1}''

The starting point named in the message has more than one key identified with the same name. A unique name is required for each key.

Rename any duplicate keys so all key names are unique.

problem.mismatched.match.rule.cc=The starting point ''{0}'''s CC property does not match the workflow application's CC match rule.

The starting point named in the message for the e-mail header CC property does not match the CC match rule.

Check the starting point CC rule against the Hybrid App CC match rule, and make corrections so they match.

problem.mismatched.match.rule.from=The starting point ''{0}'''s From property does not match the workflow application's From match rule.

The starting point named in the message for the From property does not match the From match rule.

Check the starting point From rule against theHybrid App From match rule, and make corrections so they match.

problem.mismatched.match.rule.subject=The starting point ''{0}'''s Subject property does not match the workflow application''s Subject match rule.

The starting point named in the message for the Subject property does not match the Subject match rule.

Check the starting point Subject rule against the Hybrid App Subject match rule, and make corrections so they match.

problem.mismatched.match.rule.to=The starting point ''{0}'''s To property does not match the workflow application''s To match rule.

The starting point named in the message for the To property does not match the To match rule.

Check the starting point To rule against the Hybrid App To match rule, and make corrections so they match.

problem.credential.request.missing.username.key=The Credential Request starting point does not have a Credential Cache Username key

The starting point for Credential Request does not have a Credential Cache Username key assigned, and one is required.

If credentials are required, assign a Credential Cache Username key.

problem.credential.request.too.many.username.keys=The Credential Request starting point has too many Credential Cache Username keys

The starting point for Credential Request has more than one Credential Cache Username keys assigned, and only one is required.

Identify one Credential Cache Username key, and remove all others.

problem.credential.request.missing.password.key=The Credential Request starting point does not have a Credential Cache Password key

The starting point for Credential Request requires a Credential Cache Password key.

Specify a Credential Cache Password key.

problem.credential.request.too.many.password.keys=The Credential Request starting point has too many Credential Cache Password keys

The starting point for Credential Request has more than one Credential Cache Password keys assigned, and only one is required.

Identify one Credential Cache Password key, and remove all others.

problem.missing.credential.cache.username.or.password=Please specify which editboxes are the credential cache username and password.

The EditBoxes for cache username and password are not clearly identified.

Identify the cache username and password EditBoxes clearly by setting the appropriate property in the property sheet of the username and password edit boxes.

problem.credential.request.screen.invokes.mbo=The screen pointed to by the Credential Request starting point should be used only to set the credential request user name and password.

The Credential Request starting point is set to an MBO. It should be set to a login screen.

Identify a login screen for entering log in credentials.

problem.credentials.are.not.cached.for.email.triggered.workflows=The credentials used in an notification triggered workflow are not cached between invocations. Consider using static credentials for notification triggered workflows.

You have specified dynamic credentials for the Hybrid App, but static credentials may be more appropriate.

Consider using static credentials, where all users use the same login information, for notification triggered Hybrid Apps.

problem.missing.critical.screen.flow=At least one Server-initiated or Client-initiated flow starting point needs to have a screen flow.

The screen flow design must include at least one server- or client-initiated flow starting point. One is not defined.

Include a server- or client-initiated flow starting point.

problem.operation.noinstance=The screen ''{0}'' has a menu item ''{1}'' which has one or more parameters that are either unmapped or are mapped to attributes of the ''{2}'' MBO without having an instance of that MBO.

The screen and menu item named in the message is not complete. Parameters are either unmapped or incorrectly mapped to an MBO.

Complete the menu mapping task.

problem.namedquery.noinstance=The screen ''{0}'' has a menu item ''{1}'' which is trying to invoke the object query ''{2}'' on the ''{3}'' MBO without having an instance of that MBO.

The screen and menu item named in the message cannot invoke an object query because the MBO instance is not included.

Determine why the MBO instance is not included, then fix the problem.

problem.listview.operation.no.params.bound.to.attributes=The screen ''{0}'' has a menu item ''{1}'' which is invoking an operation ''{2}'' and hasn''t bound any of its parameters to attribute keys, which is not recommended.

The screen and menu item named cannot invoke a listview operation. Parameters are not bound to attribute keys.

Bind parameters to attribute keys, then retry the operation.

problem.no.credential.request.screen=This application, as designed, needs a Credential Request screen and does not have one.

TheHybrid App requires a Credential Request screen.

Add a Credential Request screen.

problem.no.credential.request.starting.point=This application, as designed, needs a Credential Request starting point

The Hybrid App requires a Credential Request starting point.

Add a Credential Request starting point.

problem.key.bound.to.relationship.that.is.many.to.one=The key ''{0}'' is bound to a relationship that is marked as being many-to-one. Many-to-one relationships are not supported.

The key is bound to a many-to-one relationship, which is not supported for Hybrid Apps. Only composite relationships are supported.

Change the key to bind to a composite relationship.

problem.key.bound.to.non.composite.relationship=The key ''{0}'' is bound to a relationship that is not marked as being composite. Only composite relationships are supported.

The key is bound to a relationship other than composite. Only composite relationships are supported.

Change the key to bind to a composite relationship.

problem.key.bound.invalid.relationship=The key ''{0}'' is bound to a relationship, ''{1}'', on the MBO ''{2}'', but that relationship no longer exists.

The key is bound to an MBO relationship that no longer exists.

Identify an MBO relationship that exists.

problem.first.screen.in.flow.has.save=The screen ''{0}'', the first screen in the ''{1}'' flow, has a menuitem, ''{2}'', which is of type Save. Save menuitems are not supported on the first screen of the flow.

The screen named and the first screen in the flow identified have the same Save menuitem. Save menuitems are not supported on the first screen of the flow.

Change the design so that Save menuitems are not used on the first screen of the flow. Consider using a Cancel, Close, or Submit Hybrid App instead.

problem.first.screen.in.flow.okaction.is.save=The screen ''{0}'', the first screen in the ''{1}'' flow, has its okaction property set to Save. Save actions are not supported on the first screen of the flow.

The named screen and first screen in the flow both have the okaction property set to Save. Save actions are not supported on the first screen of the flow.

Change the design so that the okaction property is set to Cancel on the first screen of the flow.

problem.mbo.not.found=The MBO ''{0}'' referenced from ''{1}'' could not be found

The MBO named in the reference could not be found.

Check the design to make sure the MBO reference is correct. You can use the MBO References dialog to retarget existing unfound MBO references to existing MBOs.

problem.mbo.not.found.on.email.starting.point=The MBO ''{0}'' referenced from the notification trigger could not be found

The MBO named in the reference could not be found.

Check the design to make sure the notification trigger reference is correct. You can use the MBO References dialog to retarget existing unfound MBO references to existing MBOs.

problem.key.mbo.attrib.not.found=The key ''{0}'' references a non-existent attribute, ''{2}'', of the MBO ''{1}''

The key refers to an attribute that does not exist for the MBO named in the message.

Correct the key to refer to the correct attribute, or correct MBO with the attribute.

problem.fs.key.is.also.cc.key=The key of the editbox ''{0}'' from the screen ''{1}'' is a cached credential and flow-specific key.

Information only. The key identified with the editbox is a cached credential and flow-specific key.


problem.default.value.is.not.numeric=The default value ''{0}'' for the control ''{1}'' on the screen ''{2}'' is an invalid numeric value.

The default value specified for the control on the screen is an invalid numeric value.

Change the default to a valid numeric value.

problem.key.type.does.not.match.option.type=The key type of ''{0}'' is not compatible with the control''s logical type setting of ''{1}'' for the control ''{2}'' on the screen ''{3}''.

The key type specified is not valid for the control's logical type setting.

Specify a valid key type that is compatible with the control's logical type setting.

problem.menuitem.action.cant.be.asynchronous=The screen ''{0}'' has a menu item ''{1}'' which is of type Submit Workflow under conditions in which only online requests are supported.

This menu item cannot be bound to the "Submit Workflow" action type under the current design condition.

Change the design to allow use of the "Submit Workflow" action type for this menuitem, or use the "Online Request" action type for the menuitem.

problem.menuitem.duplicate.name=The screen ''{0}'' has two or more menu items with the same name, ''{1}''.

The screen named has duplicate menu items.

Give both menu items unique names.

problem.add.menuitem.empty.screen=The screen ''{0}'' has a menu item ''{1}'' which is of type Open and doesn''t have a valid screen property setting.

A menu item on the named screen does not have valid screen property settings for the Open type.

Provide the correct property setting.

problem.add.menuitem.empty.screen=The screen ''{0}'' has a menu item ''{1}'' which is of type Add and doesn''t have a valid screen property setting.

A menu item on the named screen does not have valid screen property settings for the Add type.

Provide the correct property setting.

problem.choice.control.refers.to.key.that.isnt.accessible=The choice control ''{0}'' on screen ''{1}'' refers to a key, ''{2}'', which it doesn''t have access to.

The choice control on the named screen refers to a key that it does not have access.

Either change the control to refer to an accessible key, or arrange to have access to the key.

Related concepts
Mobile Business Object Validation Rules and Error Messages