Internal Server Error When Clicking Applications

Problem : Once logged into SAP Control Center, the administrator clicks Applications in the navigation pane, and an Internal server error message is displayed.

After receiving this error, the administrator is further unable to register any applications because the OK button remains disabled.

  1. Validate the error:
    1. Open SCC_HOME\log\gateway.log.
    2. Look for this error: Caused by: An error occurred loading a configuration file: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
  2. Validate that the SAP Mobile Server service is running and there are no errors being reported in the Windows Application event log by that service.
  3. Validate that the Messaging Server Administration Web Service is running:
    1. Open a Web browser.
    2. Open http://localhost:5100/MobileOffice/admin.asmx.
    3. Select the GetDeviceList2 method, then click Invoke.
    4. Check whether a valid XML response returns.
  4. If anything in steps 1-3 is unexpected, you may have an installation or configuration issue. Confirm this by:
    1. Restarting the SAP Mobile Server service.
    2. Once available, repeat steps 2-3.
      • Otherwise, open SAP Control Center, and click Applications to try registering an application again.
  5. If you still get the same error and same behavior, contact SAP Support.