Parameter and Argument Validation Rules and Error Messages

These validation rules and error messages apply to mobile business object parameters and arguments, and are enforced during MBO development, and, in some cases, when you deploy the MBO to SAP Mobile Server. Messages are generated when validation rules are violated.

Parameter and argument validation rules and error messages
Severity and message Cause Action

Error: Invalid parameter name: '<Para Name>'. A valid identifier name must begin with an alphabetic character or an underscore, followed by alphanumeric characters or underscores.

The parameter name is invalid.

Enter a valid name.

Error: Invalid parameter name: '<Para Name>', name cannot be a Java or C# language.

The parameter name is a Java or C# keyword, such as binary, boolean, byte, char, date, datetime, time, decimal, double, float, object, int, integer, long, short, string, switch, and so on.

Do not use Java or C# keywords as parameter names.

Error: Invalid parameter name: '<Para Name>', the length must be less than 100.

The length of the parameter name is longer than 100 characters.

Shorten the parameter name to less than 100 characters.

Error: The argument '<Arg Name>' in operation '<Oper Name>' is not nullable and does not have a parameter mapped, thus it must have a default value.

A default value is not specified for the operation's parameter, which may result in a runtime operation failure.

Specify a default value for the argument.

Error: Attribute '<Attr Name>' cannot be mapped to more than one parameter.

An attribute has more than one Propagate to mapping.

Remove additional mappings.

Error: The data type of the parameter '<Para Name>' can not map to the data type of the argument.

The datatype of the parameter and the datatype of the argument do not match.

Change the datatype of the parameter to match that of the argument. Or change the type of the argument if it is not read-only.
Note: Make sure the argument type matches that of the data source for JDBC data sources.

Warning: Parameter '<Para Name>' should not be nullable when it is mapped to a non-nullable argument.

The nullability of the parameter does not match that of the argument. For a non-nullable argument, the mapping parameter should also be non-nullable.

Change the parameter to non-nullable.

Error: Data type of the bound personalization key cannot map to the parameter: ‘<Para Name>‘.

Datatype mismatch.

Change the datatype of the parameter or the datatype of the personalization key so they match.

Warning: Parameter data length is shorter than the bound personalization key’s data length, value truncation might occur: ‘<Para Name>‘.

The length of the datatypes do not match.

Change the length of the parameter or that of the personalization key so they match.

Warning: A non-nullable parameter ‘<Para Name>’ cannot map to the nullable personalization key: ‘<PK Name>’.

A non- nullable parameter is mapped to a nullable personalization key.

Change the nullability of the parameter or that of the personalization key.

Warning: The maximum length of the operation parameter is different from the fill from attribute’s: ‘<Para Name>’.

The datatype lengths do not match. At runtime, when the attribute passes its value to the parameter, the value may be truncated.

Change the datatype length so they match.

Error: Binary parameter default value cannot exceed 16384 byte: ‘<Para Name>’.

The default value is too long.

Shorten the default value.

Error: Synchronization parameter ‘<Sync Para Name>’ cannot be mapped to more than one argument.

Two or more arguments map to the same synchronization parameter.

Change the mapping so only one argument maps to the synchronization parameter.

Error: Data type of the selected old value argument cannot map to the parameter ‘<Para Name>’ of operation ‘<Oper Name>’.

Datatype mismatch.

Change the datatype of the Old value argument or that of the parameter so they match.

Error: Argument ‘<Arg Name>‘ of type < Type>, does not allow length greater than <Arg Length>.

The argument length exceeds the maximum length allowed for its datatype.

Shorten the argument length to a valid length for the given type according to the message.

Error: Invalid default value ‘<Default Value>’ for the ‘<Type>’ data type: ‘<Arg Name>‘.

The argument default value is not valid for its datatype.

Change the default value to conform to the argument’s datatype.

Warning: Default value exceeds maximum length: ‘<Arg Length>‘.

The argument default value length exceeds the argument’s length.

Change the default value to conform to the argument’s length.

Warning: Non-nullable argument ‘<Arg Name>‘ cannot map to a nullable personalization key: ‘<Per Key Name>’.

A non-nullable argument is mapped to a nullable personalization key.

Change the nullability of the argument or the personalization key so they match.

Error: Invalid < object type > name: name cannot be empty.

The <object type> name cannot be empty.

Enter a valid value for the name of the <object type>.

Warning: Personalization key ''{0}'' with storage type ''{1}'' assigned to load argument: ''{2}'' will not be used because the mobile business object has a DCN cache policy.

Do not use transient personalization keys assigned to load arguments if the MBO uses a DCN cache group policy.

Remove the Personalization Key mapping for the argument from the load arguments tab in the MBO Property view.

Error: If client parameter's data type is bigString/bigBinary or a structure type with bigString/bigBinary attributes, show as an error like "Structure '' < Structure name > '' contains field '' < attribute name > '' with data type '' < BigString/BigBinary > '', and cannot be used as a client parameter '' < client parameter name > .''

An error message displays if you generate a client parameter and use a structure that contains BigString/BigBinary field(s).

To provide client parameters for BigString/BigBinary datatypes, or a structure with BigString/BigBinary fields, use compatible types: String for BigString, Binary for BigBinary. For a structure, copy the original structure in WorkSpace Navigator, and change the large object type fields to String/Binary, then use the new structure as the datatype of the client parameter.

Error: Personalization key can’t be directly assigned to load argument: ‘<Arg Name>‘ of mobile business object which has a scheduled cache policy.

Do not use reserved parameters as an attribute name: count_bad_playback, error_category,error_message, last_good_playback, last_modified, last_playback, uagid, uapbk and uask.

Change the attribute name.

Warning: Invalid parameter name: '<Para Name>' name cannot be a reserved parameter name. Bound to a wrong personalization key. Redefine the personalization key or remove the mapping.
Warning: Argument ‘<Arg Name>’ should not be bound to personalization key ‘<PK Name>’ whose default value is set to ‘<value>’ when its ‘Propagate to’ attribute ‘<Attr Name>’ is a primary key. A nullable personalization key is mapped to a non-nullable parameter. Change the nullability of the parameter or that of the personalization key so they match.
Warning: Non-nullable parameter ''<Parameter name>'' cannot map to the nullable personalization key: ''<PK name>''. The length of datatypes do not match. When the parameter passes the value to the argument, the value might be truncated. Change the datatype length so they match.
Warning: Argument data length is shorter than the ‘Parameter’ length, value truncation might occur: ‘<Para Name>’. The length of datatypes do not match. When the argument value is passed to the propagated attribute, the value might be truncated. Change the datatype length so they match.
Warning: Argument data length is larger than that of the attribute it propagates to, value truncation might occur: ‘<Argument Name>’. The datatype length of the operation argument is shorter than its ‘fill from attribute’ datatype length, and the value might be truncated. Change the datatype length so they match.
Warning: Argument data length is shorter than the <length> length, value truncation might occur: ''<Operation name>''. Only ‘UPDATE’ type operations support old value arguments. Check the definition of the operation, this might be an ‘UPDATE’ type operation.
Error: Operation ‘<Oper Name>’ does not support old value argument. An argument can not be used both as an argument and as an ‘Old Value Argument’. Change mapping of argument or the ‘Old Value Argument’.
Warning: ‘Old Value Argument’ and ‘Argument’ cannot be the for the operation ‘<Oper Name>’. Need to specify the ‘Fill from attribute’, before the ‘old Value Argument’ can take effect. Specify the ‘Fill from Attribute’.
Warning: The old value argument ‘<Arg Name>’ of operation ‘<Oper Name>’ will be ignored when the argument ‘<Arg Name>’ has no ‘Fill from attribute’. The client parameter of the operation has no mapping argument. Specify the argument to map to the client parameter.
Warning: No argument is mapped to client parameter ‘<Para Name>’. The nullability between personalization key and parameter is inconsistent. Unify the nullability between personalization key and parameter.
Error: The nullability of the bound personalization key ‘<personalization key name>’ is not consistent with parameter ‘<parameter name>’. Null is set as the default value for a non-nullable argument. Provide a valid default value for the argument.
Error: The default value of a non-nullable argument should not be set to ''<NULL>'': ''<Arg Name>''. Set null as default value for a non-nullable synchronization parameter. Provide a valid default value for the synchronization parameter.
Warning: The default value of a non-nullable synchronization parameter should not be set to''<NULL>'': ''<Arg Name>''. The mapped-to attribute of a parameter has string/binary type but does not have a length set, which may cause the query to fail since BLOB/CLOB filtering is currently unsupported. Explicitly set the length for the attribute with type of string/binary.
Warning: The mapped attribute of parameter ''<parameter name>'' does not have length set which may cause the query to fail. The mapped-to attribute of a parameter is a string/binary datatype, but does not have the length set, which may cause the query to fail since SAP Mobile Platform currently does not support filtering of BLOB/CLOB. Explicitly set the length for the attribute with datatype of string/binary.
Error: The mapped attribute of parameter ''<Synchronization parameter name>'' does not have length set which may cause the synchronization to fail. Synchronization parameter maps to a BigString/BigBinary attribute. Map the synchronization parameter to a non BigString/BigBinary attribute.
Warning: Synchronization parameter ''<Parameter name>'' should not be mapped to attribute ''<Attribute name>'' with data type ''<BigString/BigBinary>''. Set a default value if the length is not specified. Manually update the value.
Error: The length of parameter ''<Parameter name>'' is not specified, set to <Default length> by default. Update the length to avoid truncation if necessary. Datatypes do not match. Change the datatype of the attribute so they match.
Warning: Data type of the attribute cannot map to the argument: ''<Arg name>''. The nullability setting of the datatypes do not match. Change datatype nullability so they match.
Error: Argument ''<Arg name>'' should not be nullable when it is not used in relationship and its ''propagate to'' attribute is not nullable. Wrong propagate-to attribute setting. Unset the propagate-to attribute.
Warning: The attribute ''<Attr Name>'' has been mapped in relationship ''<Relationship Name>''. It can not be set as propagate-to attribute. The nullability doesn’t match. Change nullability to let them match.
Error: The nullability of the argument ‘<Arg Name>’ should be the same as the attribute it is filled from. Two or more client parameters map to the same argument. Change the mapping; only allow one parameter to map to the argument.
Warning: Client parameter ‘<Para Name>’ cannot be mapped to more than one argument. The length of datatypes does not match. When personalization key pass value to the argument, value might be truncated. Change the datatype length so they match.
Warning: Argument data length is shorter than the bound personalization key's data length, value truncation might occur: ‘<Arg Name>’. A nullable personalization key is mapped to a non-nullable argument. Change the nullability attribute of the personalization key.
Warning: Non-nullable argument ''<Argument name>'' cannot map to a nullable personalization key: ''<PK name>'. Invalid Personalization key mapping. Remove the mapping.
Error: Personalization key '<PK Name>' with storage type ''<Storage Type>'' assigned to load argument: '<Arg Name>' will not be used because the mobile business object has a DCN cache policy. Java package names must follow Java naming conventions. Do not use spaces in the name.
Error: A package name must not start or end with a blank. User specifies name with unusable characters like %!§%&/()=,. Even though it does not follow Java naming convention, package names can start with an uppercase letter. Do not use those characters in the name.