HtmlView Properties

Properties of a control that defines a block of HTML markup that you want to add to the application screen.

The HtmlView control is supported for these platforms:

Property Description
Input data binding
  • Keyunique identifier within the current scope, used when setting or retrieving a value. Click New key to create a new key for the control.
    Note: If the value is not unique, the Problems view reports a missing key error.
  • Default value – default value for the control.
Embedded HTML The path of an HTML file that you want to include in the HtmlView control. Specify the path and configure the embedded file by clicking Browse and completing the Embedded Html Wizard.

The embedded HTML overrides any value in the Default value property.

If the HTML file being imported contains references to JS and CSS files using "..\" directory navigation, that file reference is ignored. This is to prevent including files outside the expected HTML hierarchy.

To bind an HTMLView control to a chart that you define using the MAKit HTML5 Library in SAP Mobile WorkSpace, see Mobile Analytics Kit Developer Guide for HTML5. Alternatively, add an MAChartView control and define a chart directly in Designer.