Variables Properties

MAChartView properties page for variables used in MAChartView value expressions.

You can add, delete, and modify variables. Clicking Add or Edit opens the Variable definition dialog, where these properties are required for all variables:

Property Description
Variable Name A unique identifier for the variable, used in code to reference the variable.
Display Name A label that identifies the variable in the application. The display name can be any text, and does not have to be unique.
Type A datatype: boolean, integer, float, date, or enum.
Value A value of the selected datatype, used by the application unless changed at runtime.

These properties in the Variable definition dialog depend on the variable's data type:

Property Data Types Description
Enum Options Enum A list of the named enumerated values associated with the Enum type. Clicking Add or Edit opens the Enum Variable dialog, where you can define these properties for a single item:
  • Display Name
  • Value
Min, Max Integer, Float The smallest and largest valid values that application users can specify. For example, 0 and 100 for an integer variable; 0.0 and 100.0 for a float. The range between Min and Max must include the specified value property.
Step Float The smallest increment by which users can change the value. For example, if Step is 0.5, a user can change 50.0 to 50.5.
Decimal Float The number of decimal places users must enter when specifying a value. For example if Decimal is 2, 25.00 is a valid entry, but 25 is not.