Flow Design Palette Options

The Flow Design Palette lists connection types, screens, and starting points that can be used in a Hybrid App.


From the Flow Design Palette, you can add only a GoTo connection directly to the canvas. All the other connections are listed only for reference, and must be defined in the properties view.

Connection Description
GoTo Specifies which screen the user goes to upon completing an action on the current screen, such as clicking OK or Next.
Operation Success Specifies which screen the user automatically goes to upon successful completion of an operation.
Operation Error Specifies the screen that the user goes to automatically when an error occurs while attempting to complete an operation.
Listview Details Specifies which screen to open when a row in a listview is clicked. Once on the details screen, you can add, update, or delete rows from the listview.
Listview Add Specifies a screen that can be directly navigated to in order to add a new row to the listview.
Conditional Operation Success This connection implies a code generation callout to the customConditionalNavigation function, which returns a boolean. When a user navigates through the application, each piece of custom logic is evaluated individually, in order. Upon finding the first true condition, the matching screen is shown on the user's device.
Async Request Error Indicates that if an asynchronous operation fails, a new notification is sent to the device with the appropriate error log keys, along with user-specified e-mail field values (such as Subject and From).


Select the screen empty_screen_bpw and click the Flow Design page to create a new empty screen.

Starting points

Starting point Description
Activate Specifies a screen that is displayed only the first time the user opens the application. It is not displayed subsequently. For example, you might use an Activate starting point to show instructions for using the application when the user first opens the application.
Credential Request Provide the credentials for authentication. During execution, authentication credentials are evaluated in this order:
  1. User-defined user name and password keys
  2. Credential cache
  3. Specified generic credential pair
Server-initiated Defines the matching rules for the Hybrid App form, and specifies how to extract values from notifications and map them to mobile business object read and search parameters.
Client-initiated The mobile business object referencing starting point.