Hybrid App Generation Wizard Options

Options for generating a package or platform-specific files for a Hybrid App.

Option Description
Favorite configurations (Optional) Select, save, or remove a configuration name.

For example, after entering the values in the wizard and before clicking Finish, save the current settings to a named configuration for later reuse.

Package Generation and Deployment
Mobile Server profile Select the profile to associate with the Hybrid App and extract the user name and password credentials if you are using static authentication.
Generation options Choose one:
  • Generate package

    Generates files for a complete, deployable package containing the Hybrid App defined in the Designer. The package includes files for all supported platforms.

  • Generate platform-specific-files

    Generates Hybrid App files for one or more specific target platforms.

Update generated code If the Hybrid App package and its files exist, regenerate them. When you unselect this option, the Hybrid App package files are not regenerated, so that any modifications to files that are normally regenerated are not overwritten. However, any changes made in the Hybrid App Designer are not reflected in the generated files.
Note: The files manifest.xml and hybridapp-name.zip are generated even if you do not select this option.
Location Choose one:
  • Generate into the project – Generates the Hybrid App package and its files in the current project.
  • Generate to an external folder – Generates the hybridapp-name.zip archive into a location in your file system. Click Browse to select the location.
Assign Hybrid App to user(s) To enable the Hybrid App to display on a device, assign it to a device user registered in SAP Control Center. Click Get Users to select a registered user. You can specify multiple users separated by commas.
Deploy to a Mobile Server as a replacement Generates a package and deploys it to the server, replacing any previously-deployed package of the same name.
Generate platform specific files Enables you to generate Hybrid App files for specific platforms. Choose a single platform or All Platforms from Target platform(s), or type a comma-separated list of two or more names from the list.
Advanced Options
jQuery Mobile theme Optionally, change the theme for devices that use the jQuery Mobile as the UI framework. The default is theme B. See the jQuery Mobile documentation at http://jquerymobile.com/ for information about the jQuery Mobile themes.
Validate controls as soon as the user tries to change focus away from them Validation occurs as soon as the control loses focus. If validation fails, a help element appears and shows the error message. When this option is unselected, validation occurs only when the screen is saved.
Note: Windows Mobile devices do not support this feature.
Optimize JavaScript in the generated Hybrid App package The public JavaScript files (API.js, Callbacks.js, Camera.js, and so on) contain the client API functions that you can access for use with your Hybrid App package customization. By default, the wizard generates a single JavaScript file (such as SUP0.js, SUP1.js, or SUP2.js), that concatenates these files. Unselect this option to use the JavaScript files separately.
Note: If you are deploying to a BlackBerry 7 or later device, selecting this option can make the Hybrid App open more quickly.
Use backwards-compatible API for generation The generated files include support for certain deprecated API features, such as earlier naming conventions.

By default, the generated code uses the current API. If selected, this option specifies that generated code uses the API for the previous MobileSDK version. This option may be useful if the current MobileSK API is incompatible with custom code in your application. Note that with the old API, your application has no access to functionality that is new in the current API.