Listview Properties

Properties for a list of items from a data source.


Property Description
Input data binding A unique identifier within the current scope, used when setting or retrieving a value. Click New key to create a new key for the control.
Note: If the value is not unique, the Problems view reports a missing key error.
Alternate row color A color that you enter or select using the Color Picker, for the alternate rows in the list.

Available values are black, blue, brown, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow, and any string with the format #rrggbb, where rr, gg and bb are the hexadecimal values for the red, green and blue, in the range 0 to ff(255).

On empty list The text that appears on the screen when the Listview is empty.
Show header Specifies that column titles appear in the Listview control.
Wrap data in PRE and CODE elements If the text to be displayed on the device contains HTML, HTML tags, or HTML or XML escape characters, or is enclosed inside "<" or ">" (less than and greater than characters), displays the data as text on the device. HTML markup and tags, and other characters, are filtered out.

For example, if this is the input: Acme <a green company> Doors and you do not select this option, the output looks like: Acme Doors on the device. The text inside the <> characters is not displayed. To display the text, select this option.

For example: &apos; &amp; &lt; &gt; &#955; &#X03bb;
  • \]
  • \xA9
  • \251
  • \u00AE
  • \uQA1029
  • &quot;
Locale-specific display This option is enabled only with DATE, DATETIME, and TIME logical types. If selected, the content of the cell is rendered in "Locale Display" format.
Listview Details Screen The screen that opens when the user clicks a row.


Property Description
Cell lines Displays rows in the control. Associated buttons enable you to add, delete, and move lines.
Fields for cell line Displays fields in a selected line. Associated buttons enable you to add, delete, and move fields. For field descriptions, see Listview Field Properties.


Property Description
Numbered list A list with numbered items.
Note: Numbered lists are not supported in BlackBerry 5 devices.
Inset list Adds a margin and rounded corners to the Listview.
Use page theme Specifies that the divider uses a theme compatible with the current page theme. Default: unselected, the divider uses the default Theme B.
Filter Bar Options
  • Filter bar – Enables the user to limit searches based on text in the filter bar.
  • Default placeholder text – If Filter bar is selected, specifies text initially displayed in the filter bar. The default text is "Filter items...".
Dividers and Counts
  • Generate divider – Provides a divider between groups of items. Default: unselected.
  • Case-sensitive – If Generate divider is selected, considers case when breaking for divider.
  • Divider Position – If Generate divider is selected and the Custom option is not selected for Generate how?, specifies one of these positions in the group:
    • Place divider at beginning of group
    • Place divider at end of group (default)
  • Generate how? – Choose one of these options to generate dividers:
    • Default – divides on the first letter of the first field.
    • Custom – uses callout code in Custom.js, where you should use the customShouldGenerateListViewDivider method to define the display value for the divider and to specify when to divide.

      This option disables the Divider Position options in the Properties view.

    • Key field – generates the divider on the specified key field.
  • Generate count bubble – If Generate divider is selected, adds a count to the end of each list item, rendered as a bubble.
Note: Sort your query to match the definition of the divider. For example, if you set a field divider for Dept_Name, then sort your query results by Dept_Name.