Collapsible Properties

Properties of an expandable and collapsible area of the screen.

A Collapsible control creates a dynamic HTML div element in the application screen that the user can expand or collapse. When collapsed, the section is represented by a plus sign (+) icon; when expanded, the icon changes to a minus sign (-). You can add collapsibles inside an accordion control or anywhere else on the screen.

The Collapsible control is supported for these platforms:


Property Description
Label Text on the control.
Background color The color value of the control background.

You can use the color picker, or manually enter the value. Valid values are color names (black, blue, brown, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow) or strings in the format #rrggbb, where rr, gg and bb are the hexadecimal code values, in the range 0 to ff(255), for red, green, and blue.

Background image An optional image, selected using the Browse button. Default: no image.
Note: The image must be located in the project.
Background image repeat How the background image repeats within the control area. One of these values:
  • repeat – the image repeats.
  • no repeat – the image does not repeat.
  • inherit – the background image is inherited from the parent screen.
  • repeat-x – the background image repeats horizontally.
  • repeat-y – the background image repeats vertically.
Initially collapsed If selected (default), the control is initially collapsed. This is usually the appropriate setting, because there are typically multiple collapsible elements in an accordion control. If unselected, the collapsible is initially expanded.
Compact If selected, reduces the size of the control. Default: unselected.
Icon position The location of the icon in the control: LEFT (default), RIGHT, BOTTOM, or TOP.