Retrieve Outbound Enabler Proxy Configuration

Retrieves one or more outbound enabler proxy configurations.

You can retrieve a list of outbound enabler proxy configurations, or a specific outbound enabler proxy configuration based on a given ID, or a given host name and port number.


java.util.List<OutboundEnablerProxyVO> getOutboundEnablerProxies()
                                                                 throws com.sybase.sup.admin.exception.SUPAdminException;
OutboundEnablerProxyVO getOutboundEnablerProxy(java.lang.Integer outboundEnablerProxyId)
                                               throws com.sybase.sup.admin.exception.SUPAdminException;
OutboundEnablerProxyVO getOutboundEnablerProxy(java.lang.String host,
                                               java.lang.Integer port)
                                               throws com.sybase.sup.admin.exception.SUPAdminException;



If successful, retrieves a list of outbound enabler proxy configurations, or a specific outbound enabler proxy configuration. If unsuccessful, returns SUPAdminException.
