Installing a Custom Provider JAR File on SAP Mobile Server

After you have developed your custom provider and packaged the JAR file, you must install the JAR file.

You must make your new CSI provider available to SAP Mobile Server so it can be used in your security configuration. The JAR file needs to be installed onto the server instance by following the steps below:

  1. Shutdown the SAP Mobile Server.
  2. Copy the custom provider JAR file into the SMP_HOME\Servers\UnwiredServer\lib\ext folder.
  3. Create a file named sup.cff in the SMP_HOME\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\private directory, if it does not already exist.
  4. Start the server using the batch command start mode in order to regenerate the class path.

To confirm that the installation succeeded, create a security configuration using SAP Control Center, and confirm the provider classes packaged in the installed JAR are listed as available providers. For more information, see Security Configurations in SAP Control Center for SAP Mobile Platform.