Retrieval of Relay Server Outbound Enablers

Retrieves one or more Relay Server outbound enabler configurations for the SAP Mobile Server.


List<OutboundEnablerVO> getOutboundEnablers() throws SUPAdminException;
OutboundEnablerVO getOutboundEnabler() throws SUPAdminException;


If successful, returns an object of the specified type (can be null). If unsuccessful, returns SUPAdminException.


  • Retrieval of all outbound enablers
    // get all Outbound Enablers of this server
    List<OutboundEnablerVO> outboundEnablers = serverConfiguration
  • Retrieval of a specific outbound enabler
    // get Outbound Enabler by specified ID.
    OutboundEnablerVO outboundEnabler = serverConfiguration