Cache Database Startup Options (cdboptions.ini) Initialization File

These options control how the cache server and CDB is started.

If you use updateprops.bat to set options for the cache, you also need to set them here if you need these changes to be permanent. Otherwise, SAP recommends that you use and set the cdb.user.options property which automatically sets values in this INI file.

If the data tier is installed on a separate node (cluster installation), you must modify cdboptions.ini manually. If the SAP Mobile Server and the data tier are installed on the same server (single server installation), use updateprops.bat to set these options.

The default startup options table documents which options are set by default. You cannot set or change these values. You can only add new options and set custom values for them. For details on what new options you can set, see Database Server Options topics at
Default Startup Options
Option Description
-n serverName_primary Database receives the name of the database file with the path and extension removed.
-ti 0 -c 24M Disconnects connections that haven't submitted a request in 24 minutes.
-gn 300 Sets 300 as the maximum number of active tasks for both the cache database server.
-xf "U:\target\bin\..\mirrorstate.txt" Specifies the location of the file used for maintaining state information about your database mirroring system. This option is only used in the command to start the arbiter server in a database mirroring system.
-x tcpip(PORT=5200) Specifies server-side network communications protocols, in this case, TCP/IP on port 5200.
-o "U:\target\bin\..\logs\errorlog.txt" Prints all database server messages to the database server error log file.
Related tasks
Changing Database Ports for SQLAnywhere Databases
Changing SQLAnywhere Database Server Startup Options