Agentry Server SqlBe.ini Configuration File Sections

The following table lists the sections available within the SqlBe.ini configuration file for the Agentry Server. It includes descriptions of their general purpose and areas of behavior affected by the settings contained in each section.

Note that this configuration file is specific to SQL Database system connections. Its contents will not have any impact on applications not using such a connection. It will also not impact any other system connection types. Finally, multiple files with different names may exist for a single Agentry Server, if that Agentry Server has multiple SQL Database system connections. The file SqlBe.ini is the default name of this file. It is referenced for a particular system connection in the [SQL-n] section of the Agentry.ini file in the configuration setting queryInitializationFile. If it is necessary to use multiple files for multiple SQL Database system connections, the queryInitializationFile setting should be modified for each system connection section to reflect the name of the file for that section.

Each section of this file represents a event of the Agentry Server related to its communications with the database. Each section can contain a list of one or more SQL scripts to be executed against the database by the Agentry Server when the corresponding event occurs. Any given section may be empty if no special processing is necessary for the event.

Section Name Description
DbConnect The queries listed in this section are run when the Server starts up and opens a connection to the database.
DbDisconnect The queries listed in this section are run when the Server closes its connection to the database just before shutdown.
DbConnectionInit The queries listed in this section are whenever the Server opens a additional connections to the database during client-server synchronization.
ValidateUser These queries are run whenever a Client logs into the Server for the purpose of validating that user. At least one of the scripts listed in this section is expected to return data indicating the results of the validation attempt.
ValidatePreviousUser These queries are run to validate a previous user against the database. This occurs when a user change takes place on the Client. At least one of the scripts in this section is expected to return data indicating the results of the validation attempt.
LoggedIn Any queries listed in this section are run after a Client has successfully logged into the Server and the ValidateUser scripts inidcate the user has been validated.
LoggedOut Queries in this section are run just prior to the user being logged out of the Server.
UserInfo Any queries listed in this section are run after those in LoggedIn. The purpose of the UserInfo queries is to create data values referencable in the <<>> data tag and are available to any subsequent queries for that user. This includes those in the SqlBe.ini file as well as those contained in the application definitions.
ApplicationGlobals This section contains queires expected to return values to override the values of one or more Global definitions within the application. The Globals overriden with these scripts should be those pertaining to general application behavior.
UserGlobals This section contains queries expected to return values to override the values of one or more Global definitions within the application. The Globals overriden with these scripts should be those pertaining to individual users or user groups.
LoginFailed This section contains the queries to run when those queries in the ValidateUser section indicate the user has failed validation for any reason.
LoginBlocked This section contains the queires to run when those queries in the ValidateUser section indicate the user has been blocked from access to the back end.
ChangePassword These queries are run to handle a change of password for the user. These scripts should handle the necessary processing to perform the actual password change within the databasae.
ChangePasswordFailed These queries are run if the scripts listed in ChangePassword return a failure. They may return messaging, displayed to the user on the Client, indicating the reason for the failure.
EnablePush These queries are run whenever a Client logs in to the Server using a transmit configuration defined to allow push data to be received by the Client.
DisablePush These queries are run whenever a Client disconnects from the Server after having been connected to receive push data.
TimeZone These queries can be run to return to the time zone values used to convert date and time values recieved from or sent to the Client. This time zone indicates the one for the database system.
Misc This section contains queires run by the Server for specific and internally determined situations. It is listed here for the sake of completeness, as it does appear in the SqlBe.ini file. However, neither this section nor the scripts listed within it should be modified except by Syclo support or services associates, or at their direction.