Outbound Enabler Configuration (rsoeconfig.xml)

The rsoeconfig.xml file defines Outbound Enabler (RSOE) and Relay Server configurations.

This information describes the XML schema of the RSOE configuration file.

Element: relayServers

XML root element.

Parents n/a
Model relayServer*, proxyServer*
Attribute Value Required
xmlns Type: string



Element: relayServer

Identifies a Relay Server instance.

Parents //relayServers
Model description{0,1}, httpCredential*, unwiredServerFarm*
Attribute Value Required
ID Type: integer

Primary key of the Relay Server entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created.

host Type: string

Host name of the Relay Server, or host name of the load balancer (if any).

port Type: non-negative integer, 0-65535

Relay Server HTTP port.

securePort Type: non-negative integer, 0-65535

Relay Server HTTPS port.

urlSuffix Type: string

URL suffix used by an RSOE to connect to the Relay Server.


Element: proxyServer

Identifies an Internet proxy server instance.

Parents //relayServers
Model proxyUser*
Attribute Value Required
guid Type: ID
Identifies the IP address and port of the proxy server, in this form:
For example:
ID Type: integer

Primary key of the proxy server entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created.

host Type: string

Host name of the proxy server.

port Type: non-negative integer, 0-65535

Proxy server HTTP port.


Element: description

User-definable description of a Relay Server, or an SAP Mobile Server cluster.

Parents //relayServers/relayServer


Model n/a (text node only)
Attribute Value Required

Element: httpCredential

Specifies credentials an RSOE must use to authenticate its connection to the Relay Server.

Parents //relayServers/relayServer
Model n/a (empty)
Attribute Value Required
ID Type: integer

Primary key of the credential entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created.

userName Type: string

User name RSOE must use to access the Relay Server.

password Type: string

Password RSOE must use to access the Relay Server.


Element: unwiredServerFarm

Identifies an SAP Mobile Server cluster.

Parents //relayServers/relayServer
Model description{0,1}, serverNode*
Attribute Value Required
ID Type: integer

Primary key of the server farm entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created.

name Type: string

Name of the SAP Mobile Server cluster, as known to the Relay Server.

type Type: string, enumerated
Type of SAP Mobile Server connection. Allowed values are:
  • messaging
  • replication

Element: proxyUser

Specifies credentials an RSOE must use to authenticate its connection to an Internet proxy server.

Parents //relayServers/proxyServer
Model n/a (empty)
Attribute Value Required
guid Type: ID
Identifies the IP address and port of the proxy server, with an appended user identifier, in this form:
For example:
ID Type: integer

Primary key of the credential entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created.

userName Type: string

User name RSOE must use to access the proxy server.

password Type: string

Password RSOE must use to access the proxy server.


Element: serverNode

Identifies an SAP Mobile Server instance in the SAP Mobile Server cluster.

Parents //relayServers/relayServer/unwiredServerFarm
Model rsoe{0,1}
Attribute Value Required
ID Type: integer

Primary key of the server node entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created.

name Type: string

Name of the SAP Mobile Server instance, as known to the Relay Server.

token Type: string

Token string RSOE must use to authenticate its connection to the Relay Server.


Element: rsoe

Identifies an Outbound Enabler (RSOE) associated with an SAP Mobile Server instance.

Parents //relayServers/relayServer/unwiredServerFarm/serverNode
Model supServerPort, clusterMember, tlsOptions{0,1}
Attribute Value Required
ID Type: integer

Primary key of the RSOE entry in the cluster database. If value is 0 or unspecified, a new entry is created.

httpUser Type: string

If specified, this value should match the value of a //relayServer/httpCredential/@userName instance.

proxyServerRef Type: IDREF

If specified, this value must match the value of a //proxyServer/@guid instance.

proxyUserRef Type: IDREF

If specified, this value must match the value of a //proxyServer/proxyUser/@guid instance.

startOptions Type: string

Defines RSOE command-line startup options. If specified, this value must match the pattern:

useHttps Type: boolean

Specifies whether RSOE uses HTTP or HTTPS in connection to Relay Server.


Element: supServerPort

Identifies the SAP Mobile Server port managed by an RSOE.

Parents //relayServers/relayServer/unwiredServerFarm/serverNode/rsoe
Model n/a (empty)
Attribute Value Required
port Type: non-negative integer, 0-65535 Yes

Element: clusterMember

Identifies the name of the SAP Mobile Server instance associated with the RSOE.

Parents //relayServers/relayServer/unwiredServerFarm/serverNode/rsoe
Model n/a (empty)
Attribute Value Required
name Type: string

Name of the SAP Mobile Server instance, as known to the SAP Mobile Server cluster.


Element: tlsOptions

Specifies TLS configuration for RSOE connection to Relay Server.

Parents //relayServers/relayServer/unwiredServerFarm/serverNode/rsoe
Model n/a (empty)
Attribute Value Required
certificateCompany Type: string

Organization name field of certificate.

certificateFile Type: anyURI

Location of certificate file.

certificateName Type: string

Common name field of certificate.

certificateUnit Type: string

Organization unit field of certificate.

tlsType Type: string, enumerated
Allowed values are:
  • RSA

Content of rsoeConfig.template.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<relayServers xmlns="http://www.sybase.com/sup/SUPRelayServerConfig">
		If the "ID" attribute for a XML element is 0 means you want to create
		a new element. If the "ID" attribute of a element is a positive
		integer means you want update a existing element.
	<relayServer securePort="443" port="80" host="relayserver.sybase.com"
		urlSuffix="/ias_relay_server/server/rs_server.dll" ID="0">
		<description>Relay Server/RSOE Configuration example. A relay
			server could have many Backend Farms.
		<unwiredServerFarm type="replication" name="farm1.myRBS" ID="0">
			<description>Replication Backend Farm example. A Backend Farm could have
				many Backend Servers.</description>
			<serverNode token="36413d78ef187a7b38548e00e586" name="node1"
				<!-- A Backend Server can have 0 or 1 RSOE mapping to it. -->
				<rsoe useHttps="false" ID="0" startOptions="-ot -v 0 -d 10">
					<supServerPort port="2480" />
					<clusterMember name="ExampleServer1" />
			<serverNode token="123" name="node2" ID="0" />
			<serverNode token="my_secret_token" name="node3" ID="0">
				<rsoe startOptions="-v 0 -ot" useHttps="true" ID="0">
					<supServerPort port="2480" />
					<clusterMember name="ExampleServer3" />
					<tlsOptions certificateFile="E:\tmp\mms-\RsoeCerts\myserver.pem" />
		<unwiredServerFarm type="messaging" name="farm2.myMBSFarm"
	<relayServer securePort="443" port="80"
		host="relayserver.example.com" ID="0" urlSuffix="/srv/iarelayserver">