Agentry Server: [Configuration] Configuration Section

The following table lists the available configuration options, acceptable values, and descriptions of the settings in the Configuration set of properties found in the SAP Control Center. These settings are also those found in the [Configuration] section of the Agentry.ini file.

Configuration Setting Acceptable Values Description
developmentServer Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: See Description. This configuration option controls whether the Server behaves as a development or production server. This option is set by the installer based on the options selected there (development: true; production: false) and should not be changed accept at the instruction of a Syclo support or services associate.
debug Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: See Description. This configuration option controls whether certain log files are generated by the Server at run-time. It’s default values are true for a development server and false for production. Log Files: Server.log, Server.user.log, AgentryJava.log.
localizations Text value of valid locale names. Default: none This configuration setting can contain one or more local names according to the ISO 639-1 standard. This option lists the supported languages, requiring corresponding override localization files, for an application. Each local name must be separated by a semi-colon.
localizationPath Valid path relative to the Server’s installation folder. Default: localizations This option contains the location of localization files for use in the application. This path is relative to the Server’s installation folder. If the default folder “localizations” does not exist, it must be created.
enableOverrideFile Valid file name or path and file name. Default: Enables.ini This configuration option specifies the name and location of the enables localization file. This setting can be changed when the name of this file is different from the default.
clientStringsFile Valid file name or path and file name. Default: ClientText.ini This configuration option specifies the name of the client strings localization file. This setting can be changed when the name of this file is different from the default.
applicationStringsFile Valid file name or path and file name. Default: ApplicationText.ini This configuration option specifies the name and location of the application strings localization file. This setting can be changed when the name of the file is different than the default.
applicationGlobalsFile Valid file name or path and file name. Default: Globals.ini This configuration option specifies the name and location of the globals localization file. This setting can be changed when the name of the file is different than the default.
clientStringNames Valid file name or path and file name. Default: ClientStringNames.ini This configuration option specifies the name and location of the client string names localization file. This setting can be changed when the name of the file is different than the default.
overrideTypesFile Valid file name or path and file name. Default: OverrideTypes.ini This configuration option specifies the name and location of the override types localization file. This setting can be changed when the name of the file is different than the default.
transmitConfigurationFile Valid file name or path and file name. Default: TransmitConfigurations.ini This configuration option specifies the name and location of the transmit configurations override file. This setting can be changed when the name of the file is different than the default.
enableTransactionFailureHandling Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: false This configuration option enables or disables the transaction failure handling functionality within the Agentry platform. This option must be true in order for all aspects of this functionality to be enabled.
enableFaieldTransactionLogging Boolean value of “true” or “false.” Default: true This configuration option enables or disables the failed transaction que, which is a part of the transaction failure handling functionality. By default, when transaction failure handling is enabled, transactions that fail with a fatal error code result in the creation of a failed transaction que on the server containing the data from that transaction. If this option is set to false, this file is not generated. All remaining transaction failure handling behaviors remain the same, including the removal of the failed transaction from the client. NOTE: setting this option to false can result in lost data for fatal errors related to transaction processing. This option has no affect if transaction failure handling is disabled, i.e enableTransactionFailureHandling is false.
failedTransactionQueue Valid folder name or path and folder name. Default: FailedTransactionsQueue This configuration option specifies the name of the folder where the failed transaction queue files are stored. This path is relative to the installation folder of the Server. It may be changed if the default folder is not the desired location for these files.
failedTransactionFilenameFormat Series of format strings and constants producing a valid XML file name. This configuration option specifies the format of the file name for each failed transaction queue file generated by the Server. The format strings %{userid}, %{transaction_name}, %{date}, %{time}, and %{count} may be used. The file generated will always be in XML format and the file extension provided (.xml) should reflect this content type.