Exporting Hybrid Apps

Export Hybrid Apps to create a deployment archive that can be used to transport Hybrid Apps between SAP Mobile Servers.

  1. In the left navigation pane of SAP Control Center, select Hybrid Apps.
  2. In the right navigation pane, click the General tab.
  3. Select the box adjacent to the Hybrid App and click Export.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Select the file system target for the exported contents and click Save.
    Note: Ensure that you do not hide the file type extension when you name the export archive; otherwise, the *.zip extension becomes invisible, which adversely affects the outcome of the export process.
    A status message indicates the success or failure of the export transaction. If the transaction succeeds, a ZIP file is created in the location you specified. You can then import this file on another SAP Mobile Server.
Deliver the file to the appropriate person, or deploy or transport the exported Hybrid App to the appropriate server.