Backup and Recovery

SAP recommends that for all host nodes, use your standard complete backup procedures. That way, in case of catastrophic failure, you can completely restore these hosts to its previous state as of the last backup.

Complete backup of a host includes:
Note: When backing up the SAP Mobile Platform Runtime installation, the path to the Embedded Web Container in the SCC-3_2 folder is too long for Windows to process. Before the back up, you must delete the contents of SMP_HOME\services\EmbeddedWebContainer\container\Jetty-7.6.2.v20120308\work. You must delete the contents of this folder from the command prompt, and not from Windows Explorer.
If you are only backing up a single node cluster, SAP recommends that you reinstall to a new host and add a new node to existing cluster. This installation option automatically synchronizes the cluster ensuring the same messaging server keys and required artifacts are shared and configured correctly. (For example, RSOEs, installation of third-party software (for example, JDBC drivers for non-SAP EIS databases). Always document these backup and configuration requirements in their internal project documentation. For assistance, see Completing Installation Worksheets in the Landscape Design and Integration guide.