Quick Password Utility Overview

The Quick Password Utility is used to encode the various passwords found in the Agentry.ini configuration file of the Agentry Server. Each configuration section containing a password value can have that password encoded by this utility.

Running the encoder on the command line results in a series of prompts, one for each of the passwords to encode. You may choose to encode the given password or not. If you elect to do so, the password value for the section is encoded. Additionally, each section has a configuration option indicating whether the password value is encoded. This option is set to false by default. The password encoder utility can set this configuration option to true.

The following table contains a list of the configuration sections, the password option, and the encoded flag that the quick password utility modifies.
Configuration Section Password Encoded Flag
[Angel Front End]* authenticationCertificateStorePassword authenticationCertificateStorePasswordEncoded
[Web Server Front End]* authenticationCertificateStorePassword authenticationCertificateStorePasswordEncoded
[SQL-n] dbConnectionPassword dbConnectionPasswordEncoded
[HTTPXML-n] basicAuthenticationPassword basicAuthenticationPasswordEncoded

*- These passwords are only encoded if the configuration option authenticationCertificateStore is set to a value other than the default of AgentryServer.pfx. The password for this default certificate is encoded by default when the Server is installed. Changing the certificate will require the utility to be used to encrypt the password for the new certificate.