Override File Format: Enables.ini

Shown here is an example of the contents of the Enables- and EnablesBase.ini files. This is then followed by a description of this format.

The contents of this file are application specific and therefore will differ from one application to the next. The above is an example for a mobile application built for the Northwind demonstration database in SQL Server.

This override file contains one section for each module defined within the application, named [ModuleName].

The following line :
represents the screen column (screencolumn) CustomerID in the ShowCustomers_List_PPC list screen, which is a child definition to the ShowCustomers screen set. Each override item’s key follows a defined format:
The following items are the explanations to each component of the key
  • defType - The type of definition being overridden by the item. Examples include:
    • action
    • screencolumn
    • field
  • ModuleLevelParent - This is the name of the module-level parent definition of the definition whose enabled state is being overridden.
  • Parent.Parent.. - The name of each subsequent ancestor definition of the definition being overridden is a part of the key.
  • definitionName - The name of the definition being overridden.