Connecting to the TLS Relay Server Port with Client APIS

(Applies only to Windows Mobile and Android devices with replication packages). With the Relay Server environment configured, developers can set appliction client properties to connect to it via the correct port using the TLS protocol.

Note: If Relay Server uses HTTPS and certificates, clients other than those using replication-based synchronization may not be able to connect: messaging applications support only HTTP, and Hybrid Web Container applications for iOS support HTTPS, but not certificates.
  1. Ensure the application code has been modified to use the correct TLS protocol, port, and stream parameters, for example:
    • Port – 443
    • Protocol – TLS
    • Stream parameter –
      Note: The identity=id_client.pem;identity_password=pwd segments of the stream parameter are only required if you use a Relay Server HTTPS port (requires client certificate mutual authentication). This configuration allows the Relay Server to block denial-of-service attacks at the periphery of you network, should you require that degree of security.

      These certificates are personal certificate for the specific user. Typically this file type is not included as part of the application, but separately-installed by the user. In this case, ensure the application prompts the user for the filename and password of that certificate and save it to this parameter.

  2. Make the rsa_root.crt, andid_client.pem (if it is not a personal file the user defines) available for the application on the device. They can be included in the application or deployed separately.