Cloning Application Connections

Create a duplicate copy of an application connection configuration settings. This feature allows you to retain user information and pair it with a different device in the event that a user gets a new or alternate device.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Applications node.
  2. In the right administration pane, click the Application Connections tab.
  3. Check the box adjacent to the connection you want to clone and click Clone.
    Note: If the client application does not support cloning, you cannot clone the application connection. To determine if the client application supports cloning, review the Capabilities properties for the application connection. If the Application Supports Client Callable Components property has a value of False, cloning is not supported.
  4. Edit the Activation expiration configuration setting associated with the application connection. This setting determines the number of hours the activation code is valid.
  5. (Optional) Select the check box adjacent to Specify activation code to enter the code sent to the user in the activation e-mail. This value can contain letter A - Z (uppercase or lowercase), numbers 0 - 9, or a combination of both. Acceptable range: 1 to 10 characters.
  6. Click OK