Current Messaging Statistics

Current statistics for messaging synchronization provide real-time information about in-progress synchronizations. Because messaging synchronizations progress rapidly, there is typically little pending messaging data available at any given time.

SAP Mobile Server monitors messaging requests using these categories:
Category Description
Application ID The ID associated with the application.
Package The package name.
Message Type The type of message sent by the client to SAP Mobile Server, indicating the current sync activity; for example, import, replay, subscribe, suspend, resume, and so on.
Entity During the import process, the name of the mobile business object (MBO) with which the client is synchronizing. During replay, the operation that the client is performing. For all other message types, the cell is blank.
Start Time The date and time that the initial message requesting synchronization was sent by the client.
Domain The domain to which the package involved in synchronization belongs.
Application Connection ID The ID number of the application participating in the synchronization.
User The name of the user associated with the device ID.