Replication History Statistics

Historical data for replication-based synchronization consists of past synchronization details for monitored packages.

The summary view provides general information, whereas the detail view presents a more specific view of all request events during each synchronization; each row of data corresponds to a synchronization request from the client in the time frame you define:
  • Click either Details to see more granular information on each synchronization request, or select the Detail view option to see all synchronization request details. Detail view allows you to look at the individual messages that make up the summary view.
  • Select the Summary view option to see aggregated details by domain, package, and user about past synchronization events for the defined time frame.
Detail view information
Synchronization element Description
Application ID The ID number associated with an application.
Package The package name.
Application Connection ID The ID number of the connection used in a synchronization request.
User The user associated with the device ID.
Phase The sync activity that occurred during this part of synchronization: upload or download. During the upload phase, a client initiates operation replays to change an MBO. During the download phase, a client synchronizes with SAP Mobile Server to receive the latest changes to an MBO.
Entity During download, the name of the MBO that the client is synchronizing with. During upload, the operation that the client is performing: create, update, or delete.
Total Rows Sent The total number of rows sent during package synchronization. This data type is not supported at the MBO level.
Bytes Transferred The amount of data transferred during the synchronization request.
Start Time The date and time that the synchronization request was initiated.
Finish Time The date and time that this part of synchronization completed.
Error The incidence of errors during this request: true or false.
Domain The domain to which the package involved in synchronization belongs.
Summary view information
Category Description
Application ID The ID number associated with an application.
User The name of the user associated with the device ID.
Package The package name.
Total Rows Sent The total number of rows sent during package synchronization.
Total Operation Replays The total number of operation replays performed by clients during synchronization.
Total Bytes Sent The total amount of data (in bytes) downloaded by clients from SAP Mobile Server during synchronization.
Total Bytes Received The total amount of data (in bytes) uploaded to SAP Mobile Server by clients during synchronization.
Start Time The date and time that the synchronization request was initiated.
Total Synchronization Time The amount of time taken to complete the synchronization.
Total Errors The total number of errors that occurred for the package during synchronization.
Domain The domain to which the package involved in synchronization belongs.