Downloading Customization Resource Bundles

(Optional) The application can download the custom resources using this API. The customized resource bundles are assigned to application connections in the SCC.

A customization resource bundle is a JAR file that includes a manifest file of name and version properties. It enables you to associate deployed client applications with different versions of customization resources. See Application Customization Resource Bundles in SAP Control Center for SAP Mobile Platform for information about the implementation task flow of customizations resource bundles.

When a notification is received for updates made to the CUSTOMIZATION_RESOURCE property, this API returns the customization resource bundle as binary data.

The following code illustrates how to download customization resource bundles.
ODPClientConnection.initInstance(getApplicationContext(), appName);
ODPClientConnection lm= ODPClientConnection.getInstance();
EndPointListner epl=new EndPointListener();
serviceDocPath = las.getApplicationEndPoint();
public class EndPointListner implements IODPConfigurationChangeListener{
      public void configurationHasChanged(int key, String value) {
            Log.i("Configuration has changed", "key: "+arg0 + "Value: "+arg1);
            String Custom_resource = "";
            if(key == CUSTOMIZATION_RESOURCES)
                  ODPAppSettings las = new ODPAppSettings();
                  byte[] Property_metadata;
                  try {
                              Property_metadata = las.getCustomizationResourceBundle(value,"supuser2","s3puser");
                  } catch (ODPException e) {
                  Log.i("Customization resources test"+Custom_resource );


When a notification is received for updates made to the CUSTOMIZATION_RESOURCE property, this API returns the customization resource bundle as binary data.