Changing Localizable Strings in the PIN Screen

To modify the text, you must change strings files.

Each of the PIN screen .xib files has a corresponding strings file with the same name with .strings appended to the end, for example, HybridWebContainer/<French>.lproj\CreatePasswordViewController.xib.strings.

  1. Open the CreatePasswordViewController.xib.strings and EnterPasswordViewController.xib.strings files, which are located in HybridWebContainer/<language>.lproj.
  2. Modify and save the files.
  3. Regenerate the .xib files:
    1. Open a Terminal window.
    2. Navigate to the HybridWebContainer directory, and execute:
      ibtool --strings-file <language>.lproj/<strings file> <language>.lproj/<xib file> --write <language>.lproj/<xib file>
    Note: <language> must be the same throughout, and the .strings file must correspond with the .xib file.
  4. After rebuilding the .xib files, you can return to Xcode and view the new screens before rebuilding the Hybrid Web Container.