Customizing the Splash Screen

The splash screen is the first screen that appears when you start the Hybrid Web Container.

You can change either the image that is shown, or you can change the length of time that it appears.The splash screen is stored on a per-language basis in the HybridWebContainer/<language>.lproj directories. In each of these directories, there are three files that contain the splash screens for iPhone (Default.png) and iPad (Default-Landscape.png and Default-Portrait.png).

You must replace the file in each language subdirectory, or your new splash screen does not appear when the language setting is changed. The splash screen does not include any localizable strings, so you must provide the correct screen for each language, if you plan to support multiple languages.

  1. Add a custom splash screen by replacing the appropriate files in the HybridWebContainer/<language>.lproj directory.
    Note: The new image files must use the same name as those you replaced, including the file extension, and they must have the same resolution as the original images.
  2. Rebuild the HWC.xcodeproj project.
    1. From the Xcode menu, select Product > Clean.
    2. Select Product > Build.