The Look and Feel XML Files

Each device platform (WindowsMobile Professional, BlackBerry, BlackBerry6, iOS, and Android) provides a <File>…</File> tag, which refers to an XML file in the Hybrid App ZIP package.

The contents are similar to this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <screens src="html/myAndroidhybridapp.html" default="Start_Screen">
    <screen key="html/myAndroidhybridapp.html">

Different platforms can share the same look and feel XML file, or they can use different XML files, depending on the application design. Different XML files can refer to the same HTML file, or to different HTML files, depending, again, on the application design.

When a Hybrid App package is generated using the Hybrid App Designer, with the Optimized for appearance option selected in Preferences, three look and feel XML files are generated: hybridapp.xml, hybridapp_Custom.xml, and hybridapp_JQM.xml.

For iOS Hybrid Apps that do not fully display buttons on the bottom of the screen, use the <AdjustWebviewFrame>1</AdjustWebviewFrame> element after the </screens> entry. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <screens src="html/NonDefaultMetadataTest.html"  default ="" > 
    <screen key="html/NonDefaultMetadataTest.html">